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No critic is now timid about saying a good word for the author of "Pickwick" and "Copperfield." A few years ago it was otherwise. Present-day critics such as Henley, Lang, and Chesterton have assured the luke-warm that there is room in English literature for both Thackeray and Dickens.

These, with the exception of the one he put on, he locked in his trunk. He was late for dinner, and the soup was quite cold. When Doctor Gordon complained irritably, Emma replied with one of her characteristic tosses of the head that she couldn't help it, Doctor Elliot was late. James said nothing. He swallowed his luke-warm soup in silence. He began to wonder what he could do.

Indeed, I know of no more sublime figure than Colonel Starbottle rising superior to a long-withstood craving for a "cocktail," morbidly conscious also of the ridiculousness of his appearance to any of his old associates who might see him drinking luke-warm tea and pecking feebly at his bread and butter at a small table, beside his little tyrant.

The wanderer who drops into a hut for a banana and a bone-dry biscuit, washed down with a small bottle of luke-warm fizzling water, hears with a pang akin to heart-failure a languid murmur of "Four dollars, senor," in answer to his request for the bill. It is not easy to get accustomed to hearing such sums mentioned in so casual a manner.

The citizens of Denver were sore at being left to one side on the great overland route and gave the proposition but a luke-warm reception. It is true, County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, in which Denver is located, ordered an election in August, 1867, to vote on the proposition of issuing two hundred thousand dollars in bonds in favor of such a branch line.

"I wonder why it is," she said, "that we are so luke-warm about church in these days? I don't mean you, Lucy, or Laureston," she added to her sister, Mrs. Grey. "You're both exemplary." Lucy bowed ironically. "But most people of our ages with whom we associate. Martha Preston, for instance. We were all brought up like the children of Jonathan Edwards.

The Kos is a measure of distance nearly equal to two English miles, but varying in different provinces. The Muhammadans, after being cured of sickness or wounds, also their women, after recovery from child-bed, always bathe in luke-warm water; which is called the ablution of cure. A mere novice in the language would say that Mir Amman writes "bad grammar" here!

And I must say that you, Alexai Dmitritch, are very luke-warm YOU don't believe in our cause!" "What makes you think so?" Nejdanov asked slowly. "It is easy to see from your very words, from your whole behaviour. Today, for instance, at Golushkin's, who said that he failed to see any elements that we could rely on? You! Who demanded to have them pointed out to him? You again!

At that time it had become very hot, and the sun was bearing down on us as with the weight of a heavy hand. The air had the scorching, blasting quality of an opened furnace door. Our mouths were getting dry and sticky in that peculiar stage of thirst on which no luke-warm canteen water in necessarily limited quantity has any effect.

It is because the school accords them such luke-warm treatment that they get "fresh" and start "guying" the night watch. He said to me that it must have been trying on my nerves, and that I might be tired, and also that I need not teach that day. To this I replied: "No, Sir, no worrying at all. Such things may happen every night, but it would not disturb me in the least as long as I breathe.