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Kirsty got in, lay down and covered herself up, to make the rough ambulance warm, and David drove off. They soon reached the weem and entered it. The moment Kirsty had lighted the candle, 'Lassie, cried David, 'there's been a wuman here! 'It luiks like it, answered Kirsty: 'I was here mysel, father! 'Ay, ay! of coorse, but here's claes woman's claes! Whaur cam they frae?

Gif ony o' them be sick, the rest luiks efter them till they're better; and gin ony o' them happens to gang the wrang gait, there's aye three or four o' them aboot him, till they get him set richt again.

But there wasna ane o' the men or the maids 'at wad hae daured be their lanes wi' that man, prence as he ca'd himsel'. "A meenute, or barely twa, was ower, whan a cry cam frae the king's room a fearfu' cry a lang lang skreigh. The men an' the maids luikit at ane anither wi' awsome luiks; an' 'He's killin' her! they a' gaspit at ance.

But whether I deserve't or no, nane but ane kens. It's no by the word o' man I stan' or fa'; but it's hoo my maister luiks upo' my puir endeevour to gang by the thing he says. Min' this, lassie lat fowk say as they like, but du ye as HE likes, an', or a' be dune, they'll be upo' their k-nees to ye.

"We haena killed her eneuch," said Curly. "I tell't ye, Curly! Ye had little ado to lowse the tow. She wad ha' been as deid afore the mornin' as Lucky Gordon's cat that ye cuttit the heid aff o'," said Linkum. "Eh! but she luiks bonnie!" said Curly, trying to shake off his dismay. "Man, we'll hae't a' to do ower again. Sic fun!"

"I can scarce consaive a wuss, but there's the cratur wi' a grip o' 't! He seems to ken what's risin' i' my min', an' in a moment he's up like the dog to be ready, an' luiks at me waitin'." Nor was it long before the town-bred child grew to love the heavens almost as dearly as the earth.

I was ance prood o' that airm" and it was a brawny right arm he stretched out�-"and there was no man within ten mile o' Glamerton 'at cud lift what I cud lift whan I was five-and-twenty. I daursay that luiks gey auld to you, no?

That's what garred me spier at ye, Thamas." "Weel, I dinna ken richtly hoo to answer ye, Tibbie; but at this moment the licht's playin' bonnie upo' the entick shimmerin' and brakin' upo' the water, as hit bracks upo' the stanes afore it fa's. An' what fa's, it luiks as gin it took the licht wi' 't i' the wame o' 't like.

'And noo 'at I hae telt ye, he added, 'it luiks a' sae strange 'at maybe I hae been but dreamin, efter a'! But it maun be true, for that maun hae been what the angels cam cryin upo' me for. I'm thinkin they wud hae broucht me straucht til her themsels they maistly gang aboot in twas, as whan they gaed and waukent the bonny man gien it hadna been 'at the guid collie was aiqual to that!

Robert's to bide wi' me the nicht. Mrs. Falconer very rarely went to church, for she could not hear a word, and found it irksome. When Robert and she were alone together, 'Laddie, she said, 'be ye waure o' judgin' the Almichty. What luiks to you a' wrang may be a' richt. But it's true eneuch 'at we dinna ken a'thing; an' he's no deid yet I dinna believe 'at he is and he'll maybe win in yet.