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Let me just lift up the corner; just the lit-tle ti-ny cor-ner, you know, said Meg, suiting the action to the word with the utmost gentleness, and speaking very softly, as if she were afraid of being overheard by something inside the basket; 'there. Now. What's that? Toby took the shortest possible sniff at the edge of the basket, and cried out in a rapture: 'Why, it's hot!

As th' wheel gos round, he gath-ers in 'is wealth, One hand on the hop-per and the oth-er on the bag; As the wheel goes round, he cries out, "Grab!" Oh, ain't you a lit-tle bit a-shamed o' this, Oh, ain't you a lit-tle bit a-sham'd o' this, Oh, ain't you a lit-tle bit a-sham'd o' this To stay all night for one sweet kiss? Oh, etc. My mother gave me all the schooling I had that winter.

Guster having never left the end of the passage, the whole household are assembled. "The simple question is, sir," says the constable, "whether you know this boy. He says you do." Mrs. Snagsby, from her elevation, instantly cries out, "No he don't!" "My lit-tle woman!" says Mr. Snagsby, looking up the staircase. "My love, permit me! Pray have a moment's patience, my dear.

"We call it the Thunder Bird," put in Una, as pain again called for a break. "Ha! Good name for it! Piles up the moon-going romance, eh? Well-ll," wearily, "having found out the par-ti-cu-lar night on which the lit-tle model rocket was to fly, I came up the mountain to a small camp that my son and I have ne-ar the summit east side of Greylock.

For 'twas on Christmas morn-ing, The lit-tle Je-sus came. For 'twas to bring His wondrous love, The lit-tle Je-sus came. He wore no robes; no crown of gold Was on His head that morn; But And in our hearts it shines a-new, While at His throne we pray, God her-ald an-gels sang for joy, To tell a King was born. bless us all for Je-sus' sake, This hap-py Christ-mas day.

"Please wind me up a lit-tle tight-er Dor-o-thy, I want to think!" Dorothy obligingly took a key suspended from a hook on his back and wound him up under his left arm. Everybody began to talk at once, and what with the Cowardly Lion's deep growl and Tik-Tok's squeaky voice and all the rest of the tin and meat and wooden voices, the confusion was terrible. "Wait!" cried Ozma, clapping her hands.

Then she kissed both her hands to the outside world. She lowered the light of the lamp until only the faintest glow was visible. She ran her fingers over the piano keys in a ripple of simple harmonies. Sweet and clear came her voice in singing. I caught the lilt of the music and I caught the words of the song: A maid there was in the North Coun-tree, A shy lit-tle, sweet lit-tle maid was she.

"I'm ver-ry sor-ry, mam," she said, "but I see Mr. Fitz-roy down there on the riv-er " "Where, where?" cried the other, rather to gain time to collect her wits than to ascertain Medenham's whereabouts. The girl pointed. "In that lit-tle boat, all by its-self, mam," she said. "Oh, it was of no importance. By the way," and Mrs.

"That's wonderful on you!... You don't! Oh, my dear! But that's because you're not used to it. You know how you said, for years, you had to have a brim, and couldn't possibly wear a turban, with your nose, until I proved to you that if the head-size was only big ... Well, perhaps this needs just a lit-tle lift here. Ju-u-ust a nip. There! That does it." And that did it.

Now we go along, along, along, along, and now we are at the de-pot. I didn’t ev-er be here ei-therthere is a riv-er here, and a mill and a—O what a pret-ty cowsomebody is go-ing to milk the cow. There is a town hereit seems as if I did be here beforeyes I am sure—O what a pret-ty lit-tle car-riage, and what a pret-ty dog.