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I do not know whether it is worth mentioning the few hostile notices called forth by irritation and envy a vice which so frequently stains the human soul. In one of these notices, which appeared, by the way, in a very filthy little newspaper, a certain scamp, guided by wretched gossip and baseless rumours about my chats in our prison, called me a "zealot and liar."

Tell him that I say that he is a false-hearted liar, and that I trample him under my foot. Marie as she said this thrust her foot upon the ground as though that false one were in truth beneath it, and spoke aloud, as though regardless who might hear her. 'I despise him; despise him. They are all bad, but he is the worst of all. Papa beats me, but I can bear that.

'Ho? says I, prickin' up my ears, but not choosin' to be talkative with a stranger. 'So folks have been tellin' you that story already? says I. 'Tellin me? says he. 'Why, I see'd it with my own eyes! 'Come, thinks I to myself, 'this fellow's a bra' bit of a liar, wherever he hails from. 'With my own eyes, he repeats.

He said it undoubtedly covered the ground, however, and would be worth all the trouble it cost him in the friction it would save afterward. You'd hardly know Harry as the same boy that played Yale full-back, he's grown so cynical and suspicious, and he's got that lawyer way of looking at you now, as though you were a liar and he was just about to pounce on you with the truth.

"You need not deride the idea of witches changing people to horses," said John Louder, who, according to accounts given of him, by Cotton Mather, was either an accomplished liar or a man possessing a vivid imagination. "Have you ever had any personal experience?" asked Charles. "Indeed I have." "What was it?"

It is worthy of note that Simonides, whose inflammatory writings had led to the withdrawal of our missionary brother from Athens, pretended about this time to have discovered certain Greek manuscripts of Homer, Hesiod, etc., which he claimed to be more ancient than any others, and some men of learning thought them to be genuine; but when they were discovered to be forgeries, the people regarded him as a deceiver and liar.

And yet the men who ceased their playing at the snap of his voice forgot Rand and hungered for trouble between Drennen and Kootanie George. Rand had been measured long ago and didn't count. He blabbed big words when he was drunk and whined when a man struck him. He would swallow his words now and swallow with them No-luck Drennen's vicious "You're a liar, Blunt Rand."

What about that poison still lying in her chest in the lumber-room? A great longing for it took possession of her. There was release, it lay in her hands, and still she did not venture to make use of it. Or was it after all not strong enough to kill people? If only she could find out exactly. Who could give her the most reliable information? Böhnke? Oh, that liar!

We go down into the water a sinner, and come up a Christian. Some of you people have never been baptized, and yet you claim to be saved. "Now, last prayer meeting night, I promised to find that old familiar text, 'He that saith he liveth and sinneth not is a liar and the truth is not in him, but I have not found it yet. But I will find it, mind you.

An Englishman, for instance, thinks it a deadly insult to be told that he is no gentleman, or, still worse, that he is a liar; a Frenchman has the same feeling if you call him a coward, and a German if you say he is stupid. There are many persons who are trained to be strictly honorable in regard to one particular matter, while they have little honor to boast of in anything else.