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If you think of the life of a criminal, with all its tricks and evasions, taking 'every bush to be an officer, as Shakespeare says; or as the first of the brood who was the type of them all said, 'Every man that seeth me shall kill me': if you think of the sword that hangs over the head of every law-breaker, and which he knows is hanging by a hair; if you think of men in counting-houses who have manipulated the books of the firm, and who durst not be away from their desks for a day lest all should come to light; and if you think of the punishment that follows sooner or later, you will see that it is better to bear the light yoke of the law than the heavy yoke of crime.

That wily chief, seeing that refusal would put him in the attitude of a law-breaker, feigned a ready compliance, and he and Reid, his factotum commander, made eloquent speeches "calculated to produce submission to the legal demands made upon them." Some of the lesser captains, however, were mutinous, and treated the Governor to choice bits of Border-Ruffian rhetoric.

And she somehow she seems a pure good woman in spite of all. I suppose in a woman's sensitive and weaker nature good and evil are less distinct, more shaded into each other. After all, I think I would trust my life to the word of this daring law-breaker."

"Well," he said, after comforting his wife and Nancy, "you were better off in the room, anyway. I'd not blame him so, Liza. How was he going to help it?" But Elizabeth was a woman, and just now saw one thing alone: if selling whiskey led to such things in this country, the man who sold it was much worse than any mere law-breaker. John Clallam, being now a long time married, made no argument.

"So you shall. You shall help us bleed some of these bloated aristocrats. They've got more money than is good for them more than they have any business to keep." "I don't agree with you," said Jasper. "You'd better. It is for your interest," said Jack, frowning. "It can't be for my interest to become a law-breaker." "Then you can stay here till you rot!" retorted the burglar, roughly.

How corrupt and venal was a bench that made the law of the land a nullity when a great personage was the law-breaker! He flung himself in the defendant's way as he left the court, and struck him across the breast with the flat of his sword. "An unarmed man, Sir John! Is that your old-world chivalry?" Fareham asked, quietly.

I walk again on Tuesday, and am a law-breaker. Do you begin to see my point? or are you inclined to object to the illustration because the walking on Tuesday was not WRONG, but merely ILLEGAL? Then here is another illustration which you will find it a trifle more embarrassing to answer.

Now they are freely offered for $10 to $20, but there are no buyers; the highest bid of which I heard was $100 for a house-"help." The slave-traders in the Congo look upon their employment as did the contrabandist in the golden days of smuggling; the "free sailor" whom Marryatt depicts, a law-breaker, yet not less a very pleasant, companionable fellow.

Instinct told Rick that the man was more than he seemed, but that he was in no way a thief or law-breaker. Briefly he sketched the events of the previous night without going into the reasons for their own actions. Scotty filled in a few details. "All right. I'm Deadrock Ogg. Besides being the mayor and all the other city officials of Steamboat I'm a prospector.

Finding everything fast, he turned away from the scene of his recent ruction, and hurried around the corner of the shack, bent on backing up Jack or, in case his pal had been placed out of the running, to avenge his injuries without delay. Meanwhile how fared Jack in his share of the attempt to corner the defiant and persistent law-breaker?