United States or Samoa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Do 'ee ever feel your lil' heart beating the quicker against his? If he'm a man, why don't 'ee tell him everything and let him kick me out, eh?" "You know I can't tell him that I couldn't ever." "He'll knaw when I'm dead, because I'll lave word to show all men how one brother took everything in life from another.... He'll knaw then."

So saying, he left them, and Sam called after him: "Say, Da; where's that note-book for Yan? He's the Chief of the 'coup-tally, and I reckon he'll soon have a job an' need his book. I feel it in my bones." "I'll lave it on yer bed." Which he did, and Yan and Sam had the pleasure of lifting it out of the window with a split stick. How Yan Knew the Ducks Afar

"If it's a collusion to Sally Flattery you mane, take care I don't make you ate your words." "Paddy," exclaimed Phelim, "you oughtn't to be hurtin' their feelin's!" "If you mane me," said the housekeeper, "by the crook on the fire, I'd lave you a mark." "I mane you for one, thin, since you provoke me," replied Donovan. "For one, is it?" said Nick; "an' who's the other, i' you plase?"

I must go to a strange country, and sleep among a strange people; but it's for the sake of our childre' I do so, lavin' you alone there where you're sleepin'? I wouldn't lave you if I could help it; but we'll meet yet in heaven, my blessed wife, where there won't be distress, or injustice, or sorrow to part us. Achora machree, I'm come, then, to take my last farewell of you.

For to Pauline, from the first day she had arrived at Easterhaze, the sea had seemed to cry to her in one incessant, reiterating voice: "Come, wash and be clean. Come, lave yourself in me, and leave your naughtiness and your deceits and your black, black lies behind."

Silver we send thee, Jewels and javelins, Goodliest garments, All our possessions, Priceless, we proffer. Sheep will we slaughter, Steeds will we sacrifice; Bright blood shall bathe thee, O tree of Thunder, Life-floods shall lave thee, Strong wood of wonder. Mighty, have mercy, Smite us no more, Spare us and save us, Spare us, Thor! Thor!

All these splendid types of mankind are mutually complementary. The thought of the future must be a synthesis of the great thoughts of the entire universe. America lies between the two oceans which lave the two continents; America is at the centre of the life of the world. Let it be the mission of all that is best in America to cement this fecund union!

All alone did Rosalie draw her to the grave on a stone-boat down the lane, an' over the hill, an' into the churchyard. An' buried her with her own hands at night, no one knowin' till the mornin', she did. So it was. An' the burial over, she wint back an' burned the house to the ground sarve the villain right that lave the sick woman alone!

Then, says I, 'lave the rest to somebody, for I won't name names. No, your honor, I did'nt bring Hanlon in. By the same token, as a proof of it, there's young Bandy Shaughran, the son, wid a turkey under aich arm, comin'up to the hall door." * These were iniquitous exactions, racked from the poor tenantry by the old landlords or their agents.

As he delivered the blow, Malcolm recognized one of the laird's assailants, and was now perfectly at his ease. "Twa o' them, my lord," he said. "Gien we had ane mair doon, we cud manage the lave."