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"Why, it was delicious," cried Bob. "I should have gone on and finished mine if you hadn't made that upset." "I don't care; it was a nasty practical joke," cried Tom Long, "and I beg your pardon, Roberts," he said, suddenly changing his tone, and holding out his hand. "I believe you saved my life." "Oh, nonsense!" said Bob. "He only meant to prick you with his kris."

At the after-part of the boat is a cabin for the chief who commands, and the whole of the vessel is surmounted by a strong flat roof, upon which they fight, their principal weapons being the kris and spear, both of which, to be used with effect, require elbow-room.

Of them I may write more hereafter. They are symbolized to people's minds in general by the dagger called a kris, and by the peculiar form of frenzy which has given rise to the phrase "running amuck." The great cocoa groves are by no means solitary, for they contain the kampongs, or small raised villages of the Malays.

The men looked up for a moment, but afterwards paid no heed; and finding this so, Ali secured the kris in the folds of his sarong, after softly withdrawing his arm from between the bamboos of the floor.

"So you have never kept Christmas before," said he, pausing in his cheerful whistle, which he kept up under his breath like a violin obligato to his whittling of boughs; "and you don't believe in Kris Kringle and his prancing reindeers? My, what fun we boys had up in the old Beverwyck at Albany last year," and Peter chuckled at the recollection of past pranks.

Even as Tad spoke there was a low muttering of thunder, and the far lightning flashed pale and green, and rose on the long horizon to the southwest. Kris Kringle heard the far away growl. Springing up, he began staking down the tents. "That's a good idea. We lost our whole outfit on our last trip. Think they'll stand a blow?" "I guess they will when I get through with them.

He was belted beyond all earl-like need; wore indeed two belts, which supported two long hunting knives and a Malay kris, such as we now get from the Philippines; as well as a revolver large beyond all proportion to his own size.

Bob ground his teeth and looked on, while Tom Long was sympathised with and talked to on his way up to the residency, where, after swallowing his wrath, as the middy expressed it, he got leave to go up and see his friend. "My friend!" he said, half aloud, as he walked on through the brilliant sunshine. "Lor', how I do hate that fellow! I wish I had had the kris.

On the War-Path in Borneo. The "Orang-utan" and the "Man of the Jungle" Voyage to Sarawak The Borneo Company, Limited Kuching, a Picturesque Capital Independence of Sarawak I meet the Rajah and the Chief Officials Etiquette of the Sarawak Court The "Club" The "Rangers" of Sarawak and their Trophies Execution by means of the Long Kris Degeneracy of the Land Dayaks Ascent of the Rejang River Mud Banks and Crocodiles Dr.

"March!" said the lad; and even as ten men of the artillery rode through the crowd to rescue their Colonel's son, he marched the murderer on. But a sudden frenzy possessed Boonda Broke. He turned like lightning on the lad, and raised his kris to throw; but a bullet was quicker, and he leaped into the air and fell dead without a cry, the kris dropping from his hand.