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But I didn't get a look-in." "What makes you think they're in it? Who do you mean? Nickleby?" "Nick don't work straight from the shoulder, Mr. Kendrick; but he's got a long arm with a lot o' elbows in it." McCorquodale shook his head. thoughtfully and looked serious. "There was a guy named Weiler hangin' around I dunno. It's just one o' them hunches a feller gets now 'n' then."

"You can't get in that way," young Ted Gray cried. "Something's happened to the lock they've sent for a man to fix it. Come round to the back with me I'll show you." So this was why Richard Kendrick came to be conducted by way of the tall-pillared rear porch into the house through the rear door of the wide, central hall.

"I am ashamed to say that he left in consequence of my own unkindness." "What was the occasion of your unkindness?" "His marriage with one whom I did not regard as his own social equal or mine." "What was her name?" "Jane Kendrick." "How did you learn that he was alive?" "Through his son, whom I invited into my house, after he was brought to this city by yourself."

Kendrick smiled at the transparency of this attempt. "I recognized his voice for one thing. Stinson was speeding the parting guests the three who drank out of the glasses yonder. Pshaw, you know as well as I do that you sent me that wire to clear the way for this little affair to-night, and you're wishing right now that I was at the bottom of the lake! But it's all right, Uncle Milt."

Barnes avoided discussion of John Kendrick and his affairs. Thankful read and reread the letter from Emily Howes. The news it contained was so good that she forgot entirely the fact that there was another envelope in the mail.

It suddenly occurred to Richard Kendrick that if he had lived in such a home even until he went away to school, if he had come back to such a home from college and from the wanderings over the face of the earth with which he had filled in his idle days since college was over, he should be perhaps a better, surely a different, man than he was now.

This was confession of an intense anxiety to escape and for the moment it did look as if his chances of getting away were excellent; the unexpectedness of the action made it necessary for Phil to make a wide parabola to bring his boat equally close inshore and to check its speed. Without a moment's hesitation, however, Kendrick also shut off his engine and dove overboard as he swept by.

But Ruth, gazing interestedly around as her sister examined linens, discovered something familiar about the set of one of the heads just beyond the glass partition, though she could not see the face. When this head was suddenly thrown back with a peculiar motion she had noted when its owner was particularly amused over something, Ruth said to herself: "Why, that's Mr. Richard Kendrick!

I'm going with you," she repeated. "There are reasons why I must go; so please don't argue about it." "But that's exactly what I intend to do," declared Kendrick decidedly. He shook his head. "There isn't room in the canoe in the first place and besides there's liable to be trouble. Isn't that so, McCorquodale?" "Mr. Kendrick, as the representative of the Recorder it is absolutely necessary "

"It's a pretty dangerous thing to introduce feelings of this sort into business," Kendrick remarked. "You're right," Wingate admitted. "It makes one careful. I'm not selling any wheat to-day, Kendrick." "It will be a disappointment to the office," the other remarked. "Personally, I'm glad." "Oh, I'll keep your office busy," Wingate promised.