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Heat butter or fat, add flour, then the chopped greens, and one cup of liquor the Kohl-rabi root was cooked in or one cup of soup stock. Add the Kohl-rabi, cook altogether, and serve. Use same quantities as for turnips. Remove all the old or tough leaves; wash the kale thoroughly and drain.

Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, watercress, celery, parsley, savoy cabbage, brussels sprouts, Scotch kale, leek and endive rank highest in organic mineral salts. Splendid, cooling summer foods, rich in the blood-purifying organic salts, are watermelons, muskmelons. cantaloupes, pumpkins, squashes and other members of the melon family.

"No good," remarked his opponent blandly. "Mine's hearts all in a row, with the jack at the top." One by one he laid them down a straight flush. South Bend stared incredulously at the cards. "All right, Mr. Stakeholder," laughed the salesman, "pass over the kale. Just slip out a five for your trouble." "Just a minute." The voice of the stakeholder was quiet and his lips smiled.

I haf hear-r-rd of cauld kale an' het kale, of kale porridge an' kale brose, but nefer haf I hear-r-rd before of a music-kale. Bless me, man, I cud make neither head nor tail o' it, and they wer-r-re no better themsel's. They had printed notes about it an' a bit man makin' a speech about it, but not one of them knew a thing about the hale hypotheck. Musick, quare musick I call it!

Over an area of 100 miles, from five or six places; from Krithia and Morto Bay; from Gaba Tepe; from Bulair and from Kum Kale in Asia, as well as, if the French can manage it, from Besika Bay, the cables will pour in. I reckon Liman von Sanders will not dare concentrate and that he will fight with his local troops only for the first forty-eight hours. But what is the number of these local troops?

"Alexander Macharg, besides being the laird of three acres of peatmoss, two kale gardens, and the owner of seven good milch cows, a pair of horses, and six pet sheep, was the husband of one of the handsomest women in seven parishes.

"It disna become me to speak to the point of my qualifications," said Andrew, looking round him with great complacency; "but nae doubt I should understand my trade of horticulture, seeing I was bred in the parish of Dreepdaily, where they raise lang-kale under glass, and force the early nettles for their spring kale.

That will land you right in the middle of what the frost has left of the Morton garden. When you get there you'll 'pull kale'." "Meaning?" inquired George Foster. "Meaning that you'll feel about until you find a stalk of cabbage and pull it up." "I don't like cabbage," complained Tom Watkins. "You'll like this because it will give you a lot of information.

From Russia's frozen acres, from Grecian ports they sail, and Turkey sends her fakers to gather in the kale; old brooding Europe breeds them, these mighty men of brawn; our Strong Man takes and kneads them, and puts their hopes in pawn. Behold this puny fellow, this meek and humble chap! No doubt he'd show up yellow if he got in a scrap.

I must say work agrees with you, father; you look a different man. 'Oh, I'm no' past wark. If I like, I can dae my darg wi' ony man, he replied rather ironically. 'Pit oot the kale, Leezbeth, or we'll be burnt to daith. Are ye slack yersel' that ye can come ower here at wan o'clock in the day? 'I'm slacker than I was, said Walter, 'but I can't complain, either.