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Updated: August 10, 2024

The posthouse was in ruins, and the stone walls on either side between the gates and the parapet of the fortifications had been crumbled into rubbish; the glacis from the Point du Jour to Auteuil had been ploughed up in such a manner that not a yard of it was to be seen without a shell hole. To say that the parapet had been riddled would not be correct.

It spread through the army like light, and was raised again and again, until the very vault of heaven seemed to thunder, while the soldiers tossed their caps in the air, or twirled them on their bayonets for several minutes. Then the ordre du jour of the Grand Duke Nicholas, commander-in-chief of the army, was read to every battalion, squadron, and battery, and the day's work was done.

It's the two weeks no, three since you come here. The gentlemen will have déjeuner? And perhaps a little aperitif before?" "Bon jour, Marie," began the Captain in clumsy French, and then abandoned the attempt. "I could not come, Marie, you know. C'est la guerre. Much work each day." "Ah, non, monsieur cannot cheat me.

Every tongue that greets him, if only to say bon jour, will wag to the tune of a certain person's misconduct. 'Bah! People don't think about us quite as much as you fancy. You and I, n'est-ce-pas? we have little time to concern ourselves about our neighbors' failings. Very well, other people are in the same box, better or worse.

Such was the suddenness with which the occupation of the Point du Jour had been effected that, as I have stated, the firing from the military batteries continued for a considerable time after the first of the troops were in it. It was not till 4 o'clock that the order to cease firing in that direction left the Head-Quarters.

If I had gone to see the great apostle of beauty, I should have had to go clandestinely en cachette, as they say here; and that is not my nature; I like to do everything frankly, freely, naivement, au grand jour. That is the great thing to be free, to be frank, to be naif. Doesn't Matthew Arnold say that somewhere or is it Swinburne, or Pater?

The Versailles and Auteuil Gates of Paris have been demolished by the cannonade. The neighbouring bastions are subjected to a tremendous fire, but do not reply. Fort Issy, which is now in the hands of the Versailles troops, is vigorously bombarding Petit Vanves, Grenelle, and Point du Jour. The last is utterly untenable by the Insurgent gunners.

He merely lifted his hand and obtained instant silence, and then slowly read out in deep, solemn, measured tones, which I shall never forget until my dying day. "Extrme urgence. Ordre de mobilisation generale. Le premier jour de la mobilization est le dimanche deux aout!" That was all! It was enough! The tension of those last two days was broken. No matter what the news, it was a relief.

Zulma, whose countenance still preserved its paleness and expression of extreme gravity, replied that the times were indeed melancholy, but that she nevertheless hoped to enjoy a quiet Jour de l'An with her father and immediate neighbours, having made all the necessary preparations to that end. "You have not heard then, my daughter?" said the priest. "Heard what, sir?"

But there are Madame and the countess; we have kept them waiting." "Good morning," said Madame, smiling as they came up. "And how have you slept?" "Nothing wakes me but the roll of the drum or thunder," answered Fitzgerald diffidently. "I dream of horses," said Maurice carelessly. "Bon jour, M. le Capitaine!" cried the countess. Then she added with a light laugh: "Come, let me try you.

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