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I did so wish I could have shown it to some of the girls, but I thought it was better not. This last remark seemed to arouse Frances. 'Yes, she agreed heartily, 'I think it was much better not. Then, after a moment or two's silence, 'I wonder how much it is worth? she went on; 'ten or twenty pounds, I daresay? 'Ten or twenty! repeated Jacinth; 'oh, much more than that.

'Oh yes, she said, 'that would be everything. 'No, I don't see that it would be, said Jacinth. 'I should hate living in a place like that; and then think of the hard work for papa. When he does come home I want him to be quite his own master, and, and to be rather grand, you know.

I think she has a high opinion of your good sense and judgment, and I don't expect that she will have any cause to change her opinion. Jacinth sat silent for a moment or two. She seemed to be thinking deeply; her eyes were fixed on the fire, where the wooden logs were throwing out brilliant gleams of varying colours, reflected on the bright brasses of the grate and fender.

'Of course; that will amuse Frances and Eugene too, I daresay, when they have had enough running about. Now your sister will go with you to your room to take her things off; and as the two set off, she added playfully, 'Jacinth has a room of her very own here, you know, Frances.

On the contrary, such allusions made Jacinth feel more on a level with her companion, and flattered her by showing her the confidence with which she was regarded. 'I don't suppose she would speak of those past times to any one but me, thought Jacinth proudly. 'Except, of course, perhaps to mamma.

So, as I was saying, some day they will be better off. Jacinth listened with the utmost attention. She was much gratified by her hostess's confidence, and relieved, too, that no mention had been made of any other Harper relatives.

'Does it make you happy, dear child, to hear what I have resolved to do? I hope so; for your feelings, your self-blame so honestly avowed, though I think you exaggerate the need of it, have helped to influence me. I know how bitter such self-blame may grow to be, and my darling Jacinth, I want to feel, when I come to die, that at least I have brought nothing but good into your young life.

'We must not spoil Jacinth, he said. 'If she has been led to cherish any brilliant hopes, the sooner she gives them up the better. I shall be sorry for her disappointment, but I am sure she is not really selfish. If she sees that you and I are happier infinitely happier as things are, she will not take it to heart.

'I have never seen your husband, you know, said Lady Myrtle. 'I can't say that the likeness to good Miss Alison Mildmay has ever struck me. The quaint way in which the old lady said it made them all smile a little all, that is to say, except Jacinth. She had not altogether relished her mother's remark.

They were in the dining-room waiting for their aunt, who, for once, was a few minutes late for dinner. Just then she came in. She greeted Jacinth pleasantly, and seemed glad to hear that she had enjoyed herself. Then she was told of the invitation for the following week, and Frances appealed to her to say she 'needn't go. But Frances's hopes were speedily disappointed.