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Here, not altogether to her mother's distress, Jacinth broke down and began to sob bitterly. Mrs Mildmay got up from her seat, and came close to where the girl was sitting by the table. 'My poor dear child, she said, 'we have never thought you selfish in that sort of way. 'No, agreed her father; 'that you may believe.

And her ideal friend much as she learned to love and esteem hearty generous Bessie and gentle little Margaret Jacinth's friend of friends came to be Camilla, whose two or three years' seniority seemed only to bring them closer, for Jacinth was in many ways 'old for her age.

Alison's little house and odd ways must have been somewhat trying after the liberal easy-going life at Stannesley. It would not be treating Jacinth as she deserves, not to take her into our confidence as to our plans. 'And the mere mention of Barmettle will lead on to the whole, said Mrs Mildmay. 'Frank, you must help me to put it to her wisely.

At one side there was a little clearing and a tempting stretch of velvety-looking grass, disfigured, however, by blackened patches where gipsy-fires, amateur or professional, had recently been lighted. 'It would be a jolly place for a picnic, said Frances. 'I wonder if it's picnickers who've been here, or gipsies. 'Real gipsies choose opener places generally, said Jacinth.

And bright holidays with Lady Myrtle, when old Robin Redbreast stretched his wings in some wonderful way so as to take in his kind owner's grand-nephews and nieces as well as the Mildmay party, went far to reconcile Jacinth and Frances to the gloom and chill of their home in the north. Perhaps Christmas was the most trying time.

This last was addressed to Frances, now standing a little in front of the others, partly with an instinct of coming between the terrified little boy and those keen, searching eyes. 'My brother is very tired and very thirsty, she said. 'It was he that was speaking, and I daresay he said our names. Mine is Frances, but my sister's is Jacinth. Perhaps you heard that name: it is very uncommon.

And Jacinth had simply made up her mind to think no more about them; her conscience now being, or so at least she told herself, completely at rest the matter entirely out of her hands.

'Yes, she said, 'that was the name I heard. Are you Jacinth? she went on, addressing the elder girl, and as she fixed her eyes on Jacinth, a little tremor passed over her. 'I think, she whispered to herself, but the children caught the words, 'I think I wonder if it is fancy I almost think I see a likeness. Jacinth was tall and well grown for her age.

But besides the little Jacinth knew, she had her own sorer feelings.

'Oh how you tease about the Harpers! replied Jacinth impatiently. 'I daresay you'll have quarrelled with them long before next summer, as you did with the Beckinghams. 'Jacinth, it's very unkind of you to say that, said Frances, indignantly.