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Updated: August 15, 2024

Duobus insuper inserviendum tyrannis; quorum legatus in sanguinem, procurator in bona sæviret Tacit. Annal. Ne vim principatus resolveret cuncta ad senatum vocando, eam conditionem esse imperandi, ut non aliter ratio constet, quam si uni reddatur. Tacit. Annal. Tacit. Annal. The four roads they called Watling Street, Ikenild Street, Ermin Street, and the Fosseway. Cod. lib. XII. Tit. lxii.

Doering says there were only two powerful reasons, revenge and fear, and a ratio probabilis introduced by tum; which has the force of insuper. According to Dr. When those who were around had raised up the king in a dying state, the lictors seize on the men who were endeavouring to escape. Upon this followed an uproar and concourse of people, wondering what the matter was.

But the confederacy was soon dissolved and seldom appears in subsequent history. We still have a trace of their name in the Modern Suabia. Schweben, to wave, to hover, cf. Caes. See Rup. in loc. Adhuc. Cf. note on it, 19. As to position, cf. insuper 31, and 34. Cf. Hand's Tursellinus, 1, 163. Doed. renders besides, sc. the general designation of Suevi. In commune. In common.

And somewhat more beneath he saied: Pro authore sive pictore Janna cui patriæ est nomen, cui Bartholomæus Columbus, de terra rubra, opus edidit istud Londonijs, Anno Domini 1480 atque insuper anno Octauo, decimáque die cùm tertia mensis Februarij. Laudes Christo cantentur abundæ.

Equally conspicuous was the grandeur of fortitude with which he faced the whole extent of a calamity when palliation could do no good, "non negando, minuendove, sed insuper amplificando, ementiendoque"; as when, upon finding his soldiery alarmed at the approach of Juba, with forces really great, but exaggerated by their terrors, he addressed them in a military harangue to the following effect: "Know that within a few days the king will come up with us, bringing with him sixty thousand legionaries, thirty thousand cavalry, one hundred thousand light troops, besides three hundred elephants.

XLV. Trans Suionas aliud mare, pigrum ac prope immotum, quo cingi cludique terrarum orbem hinc fides, quod extremus cadentis jam solis fulgor in ortus edurat adeo clarus, ut sidera hebetet; sonum insuper audiri, formasque deorum et radios capitis aspici persuasio adjicit. Illuc usque, et fama vera, tantum natura.

Insuper et eos, qui cum diu vitam egerint inquinatissimam, voluntariam demum poenitentiam et paupertatem, sanctitate venerandos deputant. Ejusmodi vero genus hominum libertatem quandam effrenem habent, domos quos volunt intrandi, edendi, bibendi, et quod majus est, concumbendi; ex quo concubitu, si proles secuta fuerit, sancta similiter habetur.

In Constantinopoli habentur multa mirabilia, ac insuper multae sanctorum venerandae relliquaei, ac super omnia, preciosissimi Crux Christi, seu maior pars illius, et tunica inconsutilis, cum spongia et arandine, et vno clauorum, et dimidia parte coronae spineae, cuius altera medietas seruatur in Capetla Regis Franciae, Parisijs.

Retulisse==repaid, discharged their obligations to those who gave them birth. Squalor. This word primarily denotes roughness; secondarily and usually filth: here the deformity of unshorn hair and beard. Insuper, i.e. besides the long hair and beard. The proper position of insuper is, as here, between the adj. and subs., cf. 34: immensos insuper lacus; see also insuper, 12. Absolvat.

Majoribus minoribusque Frisiis vocabulum est ex modo virium: utraeque nationes usque ad Oceanum Rheno praetexuntur, ambiuntque immensos insuper lacus et Romanis classibus navigatos. Ipsum quin etiam Oceanum illa tentavimus: et superesse adhuc Herculis columnas fama vulgavit; sive adiit Hercules, seu, quicquid ubique magnificum est, in claritatem ejus referre consensimus.

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