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Updated: August 6, 2024

We were silent as yet, and gave her the hearing, but inclin'd to neither part of what she had said, when in came Quartilla herself, attended with a young girl, and sitting down by me, fell a weeping: nor here also did we offer a word, but stood expecting what those tears at command meant.

I performed this second voyage for England with some remainder of hopes to find the Gentlemen of the Company something better inclin'd towards me than they had ben formerly; but whether they then looked upon me as wholy unneccessary for their purpos, or as one that was altogether unable to doe them any harm, I was sufferr'd to come away without receaving the least token of kindnesse.

Sorely was I Sorely was I With sorrows harrow'd with sorrows harrow'd . . . . . I inclin'd -yet humbly I inclin'd . . . . . . . . . -to the hands of his servants, . . . . . . . . . -striving with might to aid them. . . . . . . . . . -Straight the all-ruling God they've taken . . . . . . . . . -heaving from that haried torment . . . . . . . . . -Those Hilde-rinks now left me . . . . . . . . . -to stand there streaming with blood drops; With streals all wounded -with streals * was I all wounded.

Her hair spread all o're her shoulders, and seem'd in easie curls to wanton in the air. Her forehead oval, and that naturally inclin'd the hair to its advantage. The proportion of her eye-brows was most correct. Her eyes eclypst the glory of the brightest star. Her nose had an easie turn, and mouth was such Pragiteless believ'd Venus had.

Perform the parts thy providence assign'd, Their pride, their passions, to thy ends inclin'd: Awhile they glitter in the face of day, Then at thy nod the phantoms pass away; No traces left of all the busy scene, But that remembrance says The things have been! In all these, however, and in every other similitude of life to the theatre, the resemblance hath been always taken from the stage only.

Gito's admirable beauty had soften'd their rage, and seem'd without speaking to intreat their favour; when the maids unanimously cry'd out, "'tis Gito, 'tis Gito; hold your barbarous hands, help madam, 'tis Gito!" Tryphoena to their cry inclin'd her ears, that already had anticipated her belief, and with eager haste flew to the boy.

Amaryllis the Daughter of a wealthy Merchant and no less admir'd for her Beauty than the lovely Theodora; she was made up of Perfections, and whomsoever she saw unguarded, she was sure to captivate: These two Ladies were both of them cross'd in their amorous Inclinations; Theodora, before she was thirteen Years of Age, had made a powerful Conquest over the Affections of a Youth of Gallantry, his Name was Leander, and he was the eldest Son of a Nobleman of Naples; but Theodora's Father having no regard to the Happiness of his Daughter, after Leander had made his Addresses, he forbad him his House, not approving the Circumstances or the Character of the young Gentleman; for the Father of Theodora was a mercenary Courtier, having no regard to any but such as were in their Nature Misers and sanctified Hypocrites, and Leander being a Gentleman inclin'd to Extravagancy.

Men, how ill soever inclin'd, being aw'd by, and made asham'd to attaque with so pittiful Arguments, as Vice admits of, such as they see are rationally Vertuous; whilst easy ignorance is look'd upon as a Prey expos'd to every bold Invader: And whatever Garb of Gravity or Modesty it is cloath'd withal, invites such very often, even where the Charms of the Person would not otherwise attract them.

I took thee for some peevish foe, When thou didst me accuse, Therefore I did thee buffet so, And counsel did refuse. 75. Thou often didst me tidings bring, How God did me dislike, Because I took delight in sin, But I thy news did slight. 76. Ah, Mind, why didst thou do those things That now do work my woe? Ah, Will, why was thou thus inclin'd Me ever to undo? 77.

The delight we receiv'd in this place was more than can be exprest, tho' Lycurgus's table was thrifty enough: The first thing was every one to chuse his play-mate: The fair Tryphoena pleas'd me, and readily inclin'd to me; but I had scarce given her the courtesie of the house, when Lycas storming to have his old amour slockt from him, accus'd me at first of under-dealing; but soon from a rival addressing himself as a lover, he pleasantly told me, I must repair his damages, and plyed me hotly: But Tryphoena having my heart, I could not lend him an ear.

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