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The child's eyes filled with tears; she did not say a word, but imprinting a kiss upon its soft plumage, she surrendered it at once, and the message was hurriedly fastened to its neck. The bird wheeled round and round in a few circles that widened in their diameter, and quickly sunk to an altitude in the comet's atmosphere much inferior to the balloon.

"William Drew?" repeated the rider, as though imprinting the word on his memory. "Is he home?" "Maybe." "I'll ride over and ask him if he can put me up." "Wait a minute. He may be home, but he lives on the other side of the range." "Very far from here?" "Apiece." "How'll I know him when I see him?" "Big feller grey broad shoulders."

It was wonderful it was marvellous It was not like the work of hands, they said no scribe or copyist would write each letter so like another, and they said it must be done by magic, for that no mortal hands could write so wonderfully plain and exact and regular; and they questioned the stranger about his method of imprinting but he replied to all their questioning, "It is not magic, holy fathers, but it is patience which hath done it."

De Peyster, who, her affection now under control, stood regarding him with reproving and sternly questioning eyes. "Good-morning, mother, glad to get back," he said, imprinting an undaunted kiss upon her stately cheek. Her reply was a continuance of her reproving look. The young man turned to Mrs. De Peyster's faithful satellite. "Hello, Olivetta. Hands out of commission.

Her tresses were dishevelled, and dripping with wet, as were her garments; and her features white as marble. The old man was weeping bitterly. With Wyat, to dismount and grasp the cold hand of the hapless maiden was the work of a moment. "She is dead!" he cried, in a despairing voice, removing the dank tresses from her brow, and imprinting a reverent kiss upon it. "Dead! lost to me for ever!"

When but a child, it was chance which first gave me the thought of thus imprinting books, but long years of patience and industry have been needed ere I could bring it to perfection." Then to his mother, he said, "I will leave thee no more. Too much of my life has been passed away from thee but now shalt thou have thy son again to cheer thy last days and to make thee happy."

As if a man cannot order his wife about!" he exclaimed jocosely, catching her around the waist and imprinting half a dozen kisses with smacks that were like an explosion. "Yes I have sighed for thee many a night. There are high logs for firing, there are piles of bearskins, thick and fleecy as those of our best sheep at home.

"Merciful heavens! that immeasurable sacrifice was made for me!" cried Francisco, throwing himself into the arms of his sister and imprinting a thousand kisses on her cheeks. "Yes for your sake and in order to carry out the dying commands of our mother, the sainted Vitangela?" responded Nisida.

The boy, with arms convulsively clasping his body, was imprinting kisses on Bob's waistcoat in default of reaching his face. At last Falloner managed gently but firmly to free himself, and turned a half-appealing, half-embarrassed look upon the young lady, whose own face, however, suddenly flushed pink.

He kissed her cheek, imprinting thereon a Cupid's bow, by reason of his own addiction to the lipstick. Warble rubbed it off with the back of her hand, and said, "Oh, pleathe pleathe." She wondered if she ought to have said thank you, but it was only a drifting thought and she turned the other cheek. Then she smiled her engaging smile and they were engaged.