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Updated: August 15, 2024

"N-not very," said Richling; "my hand is large and legible, but not well adapted for book-keeping; it's too heavy." "You 'ave the 'ight physio'nomie, I am shu'. You will pe'haps believe me with difficulty, Mistoo Itchlin, but I assu' you I can tell if a man 'as a fine chi'og'aphy aw no, by juz lookin' upon his liniment. Do you know that Benjamin Fwanklin 'ote a v'ey fine chi'og'aphy, in fact?

"Faith will van ... ish in ... to sight, Hope be emp ... tied in deli ... ight, Love in Heaven will shine more bri ... ight, There ... fore give us Love." At the third repetition of the refrain, Lewisham looked down across the chancel and met her eyes for a brief instant.... He stopped singing abruptly.

"Oh, all 'ight! Miss Lolly got him. You dlink him up, Miss Lolly. He make you good nerve." But Lorry could not drink much. It seemed to Aunt Ellen she hardly touched the cup to her lips when she was up and moving toward the house again this time for her hat. "Hat!" muttered the old lady, picking at a bunch of grapes. "The girl's gone mad. Wanting a hat in the middle of an earthquake."

"A r, A a a it stroiks me that that you manetion his the hode about hangger and ope and orror and revenge you know. I've eard Mrs. Sitdowns hencored in it at Common Garden and Doory Lane in the ight of her poplarity you know. By the boye, hall the hactin in Amareka is werry orrid.

If a fwend 'ave a necessity 'tis anotheh thing you don't feel that libbetty you ah 'ight I honoh you" "I don't feel the same liberty." "Mistoo Itchlin," said Narcisse, with noble generosity, throwing himself a half step forward, "if it was yoze you'd baw' it to me in a minnit!" He smiled with benign delight. "Well, madame, I bid you good evening, Misses Itchlin.

"Laughin' at yo' friend yondeh," said one of the citizens, grinning and waving his hand after the departing conductor. "'Caze if you lafe at me again, saw," the frown deepened, "I'll thess go 'ight straight out iss caw." Out of this car.

'Coming! cried the office keeper, running out. 'Coming, growled the guard. 'Ah, and so's the young 'ooman of property that's going to take a fancy to me, but I don't know when. Here, give hold. All ri ight! The horn sounded a few cheerful notes, and the coach was gone.

I take care Miss Lolly and Miss Clist I look out. You all 'ight, you come." He threw open the door with a flourish and called in loud, glad tones, "Miss Lolly, Miss Clist, one velly good fliend come Mist Bullage." At the end of the long room Mark was aware of a small group whence issued a murmur of talk.

She beamed at him happily. "I've thought ova ev'y wo'd you said," she went on, when she had finished conveying her pretty bliss to him. "I've been so helped by thinking the k'eeds are symbols. And all you said. And I've felt time after time, you couldn't stay whe' you we'. That what you we' saying to me, would have to be said 'ight out." That brought him in.

R equiting good for ill; directing all R ight in the way that leads out of the fall. O pen and free to ev'ry thirsty lamb; U nspotted, pure, clean, holy, without blame. G lory, light, splendour, lustre, was his crown, H appy his change to him: the loss our own. Unica post cineres virtus veneranda beatos Efficit.

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