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The day was hot, sultry; no birds sang, but the locusts were noisy; the air was full of humming bees. Allie watched the river. She was idle because her aunt would not let her work. She could only remember and suffer. The great river soothed her. Where did it come from and where did it go? And what was to become of her? Almost it would have been better A servant interrupted her.

Her voice had become low and abstracted, and now she seemed to have forgotten my presence, and was looking out upon the humming darkness round us, through which now and again there rang a boatswain's whistle, or the loud laugh of Blackburn, telling of a joyous hour in the smoking-room. I am now about to record an act of madness, of folly, on my part.

Down in the homely neglected little garden, all a sweet tangle of flowers and weeds, she would seat herself; the birds would twitter overhead, the bees would come humming round her amongst the unpruned vines and roses that clambered everywhere, while the embroidery pattern slowly grew beneath her fingers.

There was a lolling trailing grace about the lifted length, the head slightly inclined to us, the hood but partly spread something winged in the undulation, a suggestion of that which we could not see, faintly like the whir of a humming bird's wings. That is it an intimation of forces we had not senses to register also colours and sounds! . . . My hand was lost in the great hand.

But the glory of all the slumbrous landscape, the stately beauty of the sky with its masses of fleecy vapor, were swept away by the sound of a girl's voice humming, "Come to the Saviour," while she bustled about the kitchen near by. The windows were open. Ah! what suggestion to these dwellers in a rigorous climate was in the first unsealing of the windows!

The leaf-shaped bronze sword is found over all Europe from the Mediterranean to Lapland, but generally without a central ridge. *Mr. The name, kabutsuchi, supports this theory, kabu being the term for "turnip," which is also found in kabuya, a humming arrow having a turnip-shaped head perforated with holes.

On holidays she used to dress up like a peasant girl, and it suited her so well." Doctor Sergey Borisovitch was at home; he was a stout, red-faced man, wearing a long coat that reached below his knees, and looking as though he had short legs. He was pacing up and down his study, with his hands in his pockets, and humming to himself in an undertone, "Ru-ru-ru-ru."

Men had much less difficulty in giving expression to their emotions. No doubt we still feel much as they did, but " Haddingly became aware that no one was listening to him. The attention of everyone at the table was attracted by something else. The men sat stiffly, listening intently. Haddingly heard a faint, distant humming sound. It grew louder. "Jiminy!" said Dalton, "an aeroplane!"

"You will kindly reconsider that last clause," she said, "or," in a very meaning tone, "I die right here." Jupiter felt a cold chill take its agitated way up his spinal column. "All right," he said, hastily. "I don't want to be small about it. Have it your own way. Only please get off my neck!" The Bee went joyously back to earth, humming a song of praise. "Put both feet on the encircled object.

For if there was anything which Helen May hated more than another it was the possibility of being thought cheaply sentimental, mushy, as the present generation vividly puts it. Also she was trying to break herself of humming that old desert love-song all the while. Vic was beginning to "kid" her unmercifully about it, for one thing.