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As he took out the things and placed them on the seat beside him, he could have imagined that a pair of very gentle hands had arranged that repast for him. Then from this much too sumptuous banquet his mind wandered away back to the simple fare that old Robert used to bring forth from the fishing-bag, when Miss Honnor had taken her place among the bracken.

Indeed, by the time they reached the Lodge, and as Miss Honnor was about to enter, Lionel said to her that he felt quite warm and comfortable, and proposed to go for a further walk down the strath before dinner; but she peremptorily forbade this and ordered him off to his own room to get a change of clothes.

Mangan suddenly ceased these careless comments; his attention was arrested by the entrance of a tall young lady who came in very quietly without being announced even. "I say, who's that?" he exclaimed, under his breath. And Lionel had been startled too; for he had convinced himself ere he came that Honnor Cunyngham was certain to be in Scotland.

Consequently there was little fishing to be done. Honnor Cunyngham went out all the same, for she loved the river-side in all weathers; and as often as he discreetly might, Lionel accompanied her; but as they had frequently to wait for half-hours together until a cloud should come over, he had ample opportunity of learning her views and opinions on a great variety of subjects.

"I cannot I cannot," she said, with downcast eyes, and obviously in such deep distress that his heart smote him. "It is enough," said he. "I I was a fool to deceive myself with such imaginings that are far beyond me. You will forgive me, Miss Honnor; I did not wish to cause you any pain; why, what harm is done except that I have been too presumptuous and too frank and you will forget that.

Miss Honnor," he said, "if I had known you looked on it in that light, I should have sung for you constantly, whether you asked or not." "Well, it's all over now," said she, "and I hope you are taking away with you a pleasant memory of Strathaivron."

Lionel, having bade farewell to all these friends, got into the wagonette; and away the carriage went quietly, at first, over the soft turf and stones to the river. Of course he looked out. Yes, there was Miss Honnor fishing the Whirl Pool with old Robert sitting on the shingle watching her. Would she notice? or would he get down and walk along to her and claim the good-bye she had forgotten?

What Honnor Cunyngham thought of the arrangement, it is impossible to say, but the invitation was none of her giving: no doubt it was merely a little compliment in acknowledgment of Mr. Moore's kindness of the preceding night. However, when the barouche pulled up in front of a house in Adelaide Crescent, Mr. Moore had his own proposal to make.

Miss Honnor Cunyngham would be in Brighton in November; and Brighton was not so far away from the great city and the dull, continuous, thunderous roar that would then be all around him.

But, you know, Miss Honnor, it's all very well to go on an expedition like that of yesterday once in a way as a piece of bravado, almost; and no doubt you are very proud when you see the dead stag lying on the heather before you; but I am not sure I should ever care for it as a continuous occupation, even if I were likely to have the chance. The excitement is too furious, too violent.