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"Comin' better, honeybunch?" "I dunno, Babe. The town's mad with money, but I don't feel myself going crazy with any of it." "What ud you bring us, honey?" He slid out of his silk-lined greatcoat, placing his brown derby atop. "Three guesses, Babe," he said, rubbing his cold hands in a dry wash, and smiling from five feet eleven of sartorial accomplishment down upon her.

It seemed that just before she went to sleep she'd pinned her nightgown to his with a safety pin, which wasn't such a bad idea for a simple, trusting, little village maiden. "Was you wantin' anything, Duckie Doodums?" she asked in a voice like the running of sap in maple-sugar time. "N-n-nothin' but a drink of water, Honeybunch sweetness," he stammered back.

"Don't you love your Doodums anymore?" was all Dickie could find to say to this; but Honeybunch had too much on her mind to stop and swap valentines just then. "You wouldn't deceive your Honeybunch, would you, Duckie Doodums?" "I shorely would not." "Well, don't you do it, Duckie Doodums, because it would break my heart; and if you should break my heart I'd just naturally bust your head.

Us two ain't much on the sociability end, but we've played many a lucky card fifty-fifty. Saturday is our mascot night, too. Come, Babe; get on your jacket, and " "Honeybunch, you and Joe go. I ain't hungry." "But " "I'll have 'em send me up a bite from the grill." "You ain't sore because I asked Joe? It's business, Babe."

She ignored Beer's offer to undress her, she ran upstairs to an unfrequented bathroom, and flinging off her clothes, she got into the tub and wept in terror, her body a round pink blob in the briny water. But, thought the poor child, it's the most sensible place to cry. When Petticoat came home she said: "Honeybunch, let me in on your professional secrets.

Connors began to foray into his pockets, plunging her hand into the right, the left, then stopped suddenly, her little face flashing up at him. "It's round and furry my honeybunch brought me a peach! Beau-ful pink peach in December! Nine million dollars my hubby pays to bring him wifey a beau-ful pink peach."

G. Bird was crowing with such evident pride that I was afraid he would split his crimson throat. All the other white Birds were clucking excitedly as if issuing hen promissory notes upon their futures. "They're omens of good luck, bless the Lord, Honeybunch. Pick 'em right up!" exclaimed Mrs. Silas. "Oh, they are warm!"

Bless my heart, honeybunch, we have all got to turn around twice in each track to get ready, and as I'm pretty hefty I must begin right now." With this remark, Aunt Mary departed from the back door to her house on the hill and sent me out the front to Elmnest opposite. "I thought that there was some reason why Pan and I both chose to wear Roycroft clothes. Mr. and Mrs.

Honeybunch smelt his breath and then she smelt a mouse, but she wasn't much of a talker and she didn't ask any questions of him. But she had brother Jim make some inquiries, and a few days later, when Doodums complained of feeling all petered out and wanted to go to bed early, she was ready for him.

"You're sure you ain't mistook in your thirst and that it ain't a suddint cravin' for licker, and that you ain't sort of p'intin' down the waterspout for the Dutchman's, Duckie Doodums?" "Shorely not, Honeybunch darlin'," he finally fetched up, though he was hardly breathing.