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Updated: August 26, 2024

Ǥ 777. Je mis deux heures et trois quarts

"A deux heures, Charles," said he to his servant, as the cab turned slowly around. The voice struck me as well known. I waited till he approached the lamp, to catch a glimpse of the face; and what was my surprise to recognise my cousin, Guy Lorrequer of the 10th, whom I had not met with for six years before. My first impulse was not to make myself known to him.

Quel chagrin, quel ennui De compter toute la nuit Les heures, les heures!". The verse appealed to Honora strangely; just as it had appealed to Ibbetson. Was she not, too, a prisoner. And how often, during the summer days and nights, had she listened to the chimes of the Pilgrim Church near by? "One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!"

II n'y avoit pas encore deux heures que j'étois arrivé quand je vis messire Albrech descendre de cheval

You find every morning in your room a programme for the day. Dejeuner a onze heures. Chasse a tir a deux heures. Comedie Francaise a neuf heures. So you know what to wear and what to expect; but the invitation to tea is always made by the Empress's private huissier, who knocks at your door toward five o'clock and announces, "Her Majesty the Empress desires your presence at five o'clock."

They didn't go about trying to hunt up the impossible. 'On ne cherche pas midi a quatorze heures'. You hold, as I do, to the old fashions, though you are not nearly so old, my dear Elise, and Jacqueline's mother thought as we think. She would say that her daughter is being very badly brought up. To be sure, all young creatures nowadays are the same.

«Comme dans ce moment cette entreprise est absolument impraticable, nous suivons la branche gauche de la vallée, et après deux heures de marche sur le glacier des bois, nous en sortons au pied de celui du Taléfre, c'est-

The fine old watch, around the dial of which sparkle diamonds, and on the back the motto, executed in the same precious stones, "Vous me faites oublier les heures," once adorned the slender waist of some dainty dame, a nuptial gift.

"A deux heures, Charles," said he to his servant, as the cab turned slowly around. The voice struck me as well known. I waited till he approached the lamp, to catch a glimpse of the face; and what was my surprise to recognise my cousin, Guy Lorrequer of the 10th, whom I had not met with for six years before. My first impulse was not to make myself known to him.

A thousand cordial greetings to you, my dearest Franz; with Mamma I get on very well. The old lady quite touches me by her love and sympathetic insight. Farewell, and remember lovingly, Your Depeche Telegraphique. WEYMAR, le 22 Mai. Deposee sous le no. 93 a 12 heures 31 minutes s. Expediee a domicile le 22 a 2 heures 15 minutes soir. Cordial wishes for your birthday from your

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