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"Wid that I slipped my arm round her waist, for, begad, I fancied she had surrindered at discretion, an' the honors av war were mine, "'Fwhat nonsinse is this? sez she, dhrawin' hersilf up on the tips av her dear little toes. 'Wid the mother's milk not dhry on your impident mouth? Let go! she sez,

And so, in fact, did the other couples. They all clung to one another more closely than ever. There was a moment of embarrassment intense, awful, tremendous. The deep silence was broken by the voice of "His Majesty." "Hersilf!" he cried, with his eyes fixed on Katie "hersilf! begorra, it's hersilf! Shure an' it is! an' oh, but it's mesilf that's the lucky man this day!

Fhat d'ye tink she did dhis mornin'? I was a-fixin' me pork, jist as ivery other bye in camp allers does it, an' jist then who should come along but hersilf.

"What for, I wonder, could she be after making a fool of hersilf, and shamin' her swate soul with lies, for the like of you!" "Sir," said Lorison, trembling, "say what you please of me. Doubt it as you must, I will yet prove my gratitude to you, and my devotion to her. But let me speak to her once now, let me kneel for just one moment at her feet, and " "Tut, tut!" said the priest.

And this wisp of a girl with her big black-fringed gray eyes peering up and out over her gray knitted shawl, but for the holes in her white stockings and the fact that the alabaster of her neck was a shade off color faith, an' it might have been Eleanor hersilf!

When she gits a dozen hersilf, and marries a widow jintleman wid a lot uv his own, she'll be glad enough to be lettin' ye have yer pick, to take wan uv 'em fer coompany to yer own baby, at foive dollars a week. Moind that." I visited several houses after this, still in company with Mrs. Hogan and Mrs.

The next instant the front door was thrown open, and Mary Ellen, her cap askew, dashed down the steps to meet us. "Wheriver have ye been so long?" she ejaculated. "An' have ye been tould the news? 'Tis hersilf has taken a tumble, an' put her knee out so the doctor says.

She said she was a mimber iv th' local suffrage club, an' she felt safe in assuring her sisters that th' bill wud be signed. If nicissry, she wud sign it hersilf. Th' marrid ladies in th' aujeence wud undherstand. He meant nawthin'. It was on'y wan iv his tantrums. A little moral suasion wud bring him ar-round all right.

Ah, yis I haf had miny zey are not steef like ze cochon Englees. Describe ze looks, mon ami." Jennings did so, to the best of his ability, but the old man still appeared undecided. "But she has been ill for three years," added Jennings. "She fell and hurt her back, and " "Eh wha-a-at Celestine!" cried Le Beau excitedly. "She did fall and hurt hersilf eh, yis mos' dredfil.

"But they have only two now. I wouldn't have been sartin of the matter if I hadn't seen the print of yer mother's small shoe in the snow, and while I was looking I obsarved that of Dot, no bigger than Cinderella hersilf might have made." Warren was profoundly interested, and tears dimmed his eyes. "Was there no man with father?" "I couldn't see any footprints except his."