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"Once he entered one of those gin-palaces, which, like the golden gates of hell, entice the miserable to worse misery, and seated himself close to a half-tipsy, good-natured wretch, who made room for him on a bench by the wall. He was comforted even by this proximity to one who would not repel him.

"Water," Tu-Kila-Kila said, with half-tipsy solemnity, "you are a god too. Your power is very great. But less than mine. Do, then, as I bid you. If any man touch my spirits, whom I have brought from my home in the sun in a fiery ship, before I bid him to-morrow, overturn his canoe, and drown him in lagoon or spring or ocean.

And I talked very powerful and allegored about allowin' a ring to be put round the United States and let a lot of whiskey dealers and corporations lead her round, a pitiful sight for men and angels. Sez I, "How duz it look before the nations to see Columbia led round half-tipsy by a Ring?" He seemed to think it looked bad, I knew by his looks.

Half-tipsy men and noisome, naked urchins seemed to have sprung from everywhere. "Oho, quelle aristo!" they shouted with ironical astonishment, gazing at the young girl's face, fingering her gown, thrusting begrimed, hate-distorted faces close to her own. Instinctively she recoiled and backed towards the house immediately on her left.

"Our broken friendships we deplore, And loves of youth that are no more; No after friendships e'er can raise Th' endearments of our early days, And ne'er the heart such fondness prove, As when we first began to love." I am writing at random, and half-tipsy, what you may not equally understand, as you will be sober when you read it; but my sober and my half-tipsy hours you are alike a sharer in.

Over five thousand dollars was paid to her. She walked up to the bar and threw down five hundred dollars on the counter and said to a bar-tender: "I pay for everybody's drinks here tonight. Take no money from any of them and when this runs short, call on me." The word was passed, "Free drinks at the bar," and the crowd surged forward. A half-tipsy fellow raised his glass above the heads of others.

"But why," drawled the prince, "does la Baronne never favor us with her company? Still very attractive musical probably here is a piano want good German music console homesickness." "Madame is indisposed," answered the baron quietly, "but you may be sure she regrets your absence from home." The officers looked at each other with half-tipsy, half-angry eyes.

What! a pater-familias who, when he is half-tipsy, on Sunday afternoons preaches moral sermons to daughters, who are laughing in their sleeves at him all the time, and who brags about the meerschaum pipe which the seducer of his own daughter gives him as a birthday present!