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But to-day he was in trouble, and rumour had it that Gavin's life was one long period of trouble, for the Jenkinses were hard people. "It's no use," declared Christina at last, examining the dreadful mess, and thinking of what her mother would do with it, "they're too dirty to use, Gavin. Never mind," she added comfortingly, "she won't scold, will she?" The boy gave a half-contemptuous gesture.

He spoke in the privacy of his family with a half-affable, half-contemptuous concern for those unfortunate beggars of uppish Redcross townspeople who had all come to smash by the failure of one paltry twopenny-halfpenny local bank.

He found there, in all, some tattered leaves three or four books altogether of Pope's 'Iliad, about half of Foxe's 'Martyrs' the rest having been used apparently by the casual nurses, who came to tend Reuben's poor mother in her last days, to light the fire a complete copy of Locke 'On the Human Understanding, and various volumes of old Calvinist sermons, which he read, partly because his reading appetite was insatiable, partly from a half-contemptuous desire to find out what it might be that Uncle Reuben was always troubling his head about.

"That will give me time to buy what I want when I arrive. It would spoil my dinner if I had to shop afterwards." McMurtrie, who had crossed to the door, looked back at me with a sort of half-envious, half-contemptuous smile. "You are a curious fellow, Lyndon," he said. "At times you might be a boy of twenty."

And, with a half-contemptuous shrug, she held the sheet in the flame of one of the tapers that stood alight on the table for the purpose of sealing letters. "That man exists for my torment," she continued. "He has always some mad notion in his head, and must always be visiting it upon me. When next you see him, pray convince him how little I care for diamonds." And there the matter was dismissed.

"Yes," Gordon was obliged to admit with a gulp, as if he were swallowing his pride, and he knew that in saying the word he was degrading his sister throwing her at this man's feet as the price of his honour. With a half-contemptuous nod Victor Durnovo turned, and went away to keep his appointment with Meredith. Take heed of still waters; they quick pass away.

With the blood welling from a shothole in his broad, burly chest and the seal of death already settling on his ashen brow, he was scowling up into the half-compassionate, half-contemptuous faces about him.

It was with a sense of half-contemptuous amusement at her own folly that she remembered how she had once fancied that Gregory was marrying beneath him. Sally was far from perfect, but in the essentials the man was not fit to brush her shoes. "My dear," responded Agatha, "I really don't know exactly what I have done, but if it amounts to anything it is a pleasure to me."

"Do you refuse to answer my question, boy?" Again the irritating, half-contemptuous use of "boy" made Jack's cheeks flush, though he answered merely: "I think, sir, Mr. Farnum has a right to the first information." "Do you understand, boy, that I am about to take a large interest in this business?" "I have heard so, sir.

Toni was made to feel that this newcomer knew just why she had been sent for understood that it was in reality to Toni's incapacity that she owed her present position; and Toni felt, with a miserable intensity, that Miss Loder looked upon her as some brilliant sixth-form girl would survey a kindergarten child, with a kindly, half-amused, half-contemptuous tolerance.