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Updated: August 18, 2024

Didn't you 'ear 'im then? Quite distinct it was. Martin gave up the struggle with a sense of blank futility. What could you do with a man like this? It was like quarrelling with Westminster Abbey. 'I should 'urry, sir, suggested Keggs, respectfully. 'I think Mr Keith must have met with some haccident. His surmise proved correct.

Ah! an' a nice time I 'ad of it, what wi' chamber-maids a-runnin' up an' down stairs to see the 'poor gentleman, an' everybody a-starin' at me, an' a-shakin' their 'eads, an' all a-axin' questions, one atop o' the other, till the doctor come. "Ow did this 'appen, me man? says 'e. 'A haccident! says I. 'A haccident? says the doctor, wi' a look in 'is eye as I didn't just like.

They've nat'rally got a focus, an' w'en I 'appen to be standin' on a sunny day in front of 'em, contemplatin' the face o' natur', as it wor, through the lantern panes, if I gits into the focus by haccident, d'ye see, it just acts like a burnin'-glass." Ruby could scarcely believe this, but after testing the truth of the statement by actual experiment he could no longer doubt it.

By dint of much exertion and more splashing, he presently ranged alongside in answer to my hail. "Wo't a haccident then?" he inquired. "Something of the sort," I nodded. "Will you be so kind as to tow us to the bank yonder?" "Hanythink to hoblige!" he grinned, and having made fast the painter, proceeded to splash us to terra-firma.

Jane hurried to the street-door, and Rosa recovered by magic; and, preferring gossip to hysterics, in an almost gleeful whisper, ordered Christopher to open the door of the study. The Bijou was so small that the following dialogue rang in their ears: A boy in buttons gasped out, "Oh, if you please, will you ast the doctor to come round directly; there's a haccident."

When Susan comes to say, 'Oh, please, mum, I've 'ad a haccident with the pier glass, her face is wreathed in smiles. To a mistress who cannot relieve her feelings by strong language, as a man would do, this behaviour is very aggravating. If servants do not actually delight in these misfortunes, I am afraid not one in twenty shows the least consideration for her employer's purse.

"Have the morning-room door thrown open and the sofa pulled out from against the wall. My friends have been for a walk across the Fens, and have found something. You can see them coming up the drive. What d'you make of it?" "Gawd! a haccident, Sir Nigel," said Borkins, in a shaky voice. "'Adn't I better tell Mrs. Mummery to put the blue bedroom in order and 'ave plenty of 'ot water?..." "No."

"Ned must be ill, or got a haccident o' some sort," he said to a very little but sharp boy who was to assist in the job. "Howsever, you an' me'll go at it alone, Sniveller." "Wery good, Bunky," replied Sniveller, "'ow is it to be? By the winder, through the door, down the chimbly, up the spout or wot?" "The larder windy, my boy." "Sorry for that," said Sniveller. "Why?"

"Orful shootin' scrape!" "'Orrible haccident!" and so on. They climb up on the steps of the stage, thrust their grim little faces in the windows, and almost bring nervous passengers to their feet by their yells; or, scrambling into a street car, they will offer you their papers in such an earnest, appealing way, that, nine times out of ten, you will buy them out of sheer pity for the boys.

He had a sheaf of evening papers under his arm, and was yelling with much enthusiasm to an edified crowd: 'Noose of the War! Hawful mutilation of the dead! Fearful collision in the Channel! Eighty-eight lives lost! Narrative of survivors! Thrilling details! Shindy in Parl'ment! Hirish members to the front again! 'Orrible haccident in our own town! The Lady Claudia's bust!"

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