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How we fooled 'em on Hamlet, eh, my boy? Ha-ha-ha! It was the greatest joke of the century." "Well, the laugh is on you," said Doctor Johnson. "If you wrote Hamlet and didn't have the sense to acknowledge it, you present to my mind a closer resemblance to Simple Simon than to Socrates. For my part, I don't believe you did write it, and I do believe that Shakespeare did.

But he and that unpleasant Belchik Pluly had engaged in some jovial back-slapping and rib-punching when he and Trigger went over to join Lyad's party at her request; and Quillan cried out merrily that he and Belchik had long had one great interest in common ha-ha-ha!

Your eloquence would melt a concrete dam. See, it's melted the butter already. You are the joy of life to me. How I would like to go with you on your triumphal way through college! By the way, what college did you say you were going to?" "Sagebrush University, Spencer, Arkansas," replied Katherine drily. "Ha-ha-ha! That's a good one!" laughed Slim, choking again.

The blacks built themselves, layer upon layer, into a human altar, and on it the sacrifice was performed. Meanwhile a grunting noise, 'Ha-ha-ha, sonorous, even solemn, a savage mass, arose from the heap. Sir George imagined that he was almost the first Englishman to behold this ceremony, on the part of the Aborigines of Australia. To them it was religion; whence did they get it?

"Very right very proper!" murmured Mr. Owlett, as he took the offered document from Helmsley's hand and opened it "Um um! let me see! " Here he read aloud "I, David Helmsley, um um! Helmsley Helmsley! that's a name that I seem to have heard somewhere! David Helmsley! yes! why that's the name of a multi-millionaire! ha-ha-ha! A multi-millionaire! That's curious!

The plan of a spring-cleaning for churchyards was an excellent one, I think; God bless my soul! why not? makes room for more hodies and saves extra land being given up to those who are past farming it, except in the way of manure, ha-ha-ha! There's no such thing as sacrilege nowadays, Mr.

"I want to be friends with you, that's all. You probably know a good deal more about me than I do about you, but that need not matter. Hullo do you always drum with your fingers on the table like that? Ha-ha-ha! Why, that was a habit of my father's, too." Peer stared at the other in silence. But his fingers stopped drumming. "I rather envy you, you know, living as you do.

I'm sure I'm surprised at their patience with me. But when people are patient with you, you want to spit gall at them. Don't you? Ha-ha-ha! Poor old Algy. Did I lay it on him tonight, or did I miss him?" "I think you got him," said Aaron. "He'll never forgive me. Depend on it, he'll never forgive me. Ha-ha! I like to be unforgiven.

"Well, it won't be because it isn't hot enough," said Tom, wiping his face. "Phew! the sun does go it out here." "But it may be colder where my uncle lives, Tom." "Why, how can it be, Mas'r Harry, if it's anywhere out here?" "Perhaps he's high up in the mountains, and there it will be much colder." "Ha-ha-ha! Well, that is a good un, Mas'r Harry," laughed Tom.

They don't make a noise, anyway, though I'm really afraid for our landlady's silver spoons... Amalia Ivanovna!" she addressed her suddenly, almost aloud, "if your spoons should happen to be stolen, I won't be responsible, I warn you! Ha-ha-ha!" She laughed turning to Raskolnikov, and again nodding towards the landlady, in high glee at her sally. "She didn't understand, she didn't understand again!