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For the least thing she would go off into a ringing laugh 'Ha-ha-ha! We made our first thorough acquaintance with the Kovalenkos at the headmaster's name-day party.

"Wow-wow-wow bow-wow-wuff," said Boxer at last, when he found that his enemy had gone. "Wuff-wuff," he said again, trying to get rid of the fur sticking about his mouth. "Wuff-wuff," he said, "that's better." "Bravo!" chorused the birds, in a state of high delight; "well done, Boxer!" "Ha-ha-ha; phut-phut-phut wizzle-wizzle," said the starling off the top of the wall.

The fact is, he had lost a good many side teeth, and it was a hollow and sinister disclosure. He would laugh, too, occasionally; but his laugh was not rich and joyous, like General Chattesworth's, or even Tom Toole's cozy chuckle, or old Doctor Walsingham's hilarious ha-ha-ha! He did not know it; but there was a cold hard ring in it, like the crash and jingle of broken glass.

But when, in retort for this latest witticism, Martie said: "Put your hand where it hurts, Wallace, and show Mama"; the laughter changed to actual shrieks of mirth; Jesse indulging in a deep "ha-ha-ha!" and Mabel hammering her heels madly together and sobbing put faintly that she should die she should simply DIE!

It adds ZEST to one's intercourse with people, to know that they'll never forgive one. Ha-ha-ha! Little old maids, who do their knitting with their tongues. Poor old Algy he drops his stitches now. Ha-ha-ha! Must be eighty, I should say." Aaron laughed. He had never met a man like Argyle before and he could not help being charmed.

"Such aspirations in the fair sex are absolutely harmless," he said; "Let us hope the lady's wishes may find their limit in a soothing pastoral!" "Ha-ha-ha!" laughed Sir Morton. "You are deep, my dear sir, you are very deep! God bless my soul! Deep as a well! No wonder people are afraid of you! Clever, clever! I'm afraid of you myself! Come along, come along! Can I assist your Grace?"

For he seemed to see the women, over there in Paris, that the brothers of that naive fellow trusted trusted alone with a handsome young university student from Tunisia. Ha-ha-ha! Now he remembered. He wanted to laugh out loud at a race of men that could be as simple as that. He wanted to laugh at the bursting of the iridescent bubble of faith in the virtue of beautiful women. The Arab knew!

So his lordship sent for Master Swithin this morning, and meeting him in the churchyard read him such an excommunicating lecture as I warrant he won't forget in his lifetime. Ha-ha-ha! 'Twas very good, very. He watched her face narrowly while he spoke with such seeming carelessness.

The gate was six feet or more, and the jackaroo raised his hat and hastened to open it, but Mary reined her horse back a few yards and the "dood" had barely time to jump aside when there was a scuffle of hoofs on the road, a "Ha-ha-ha!" in mid-air, a landing thud, and the girl was away up the home-track in a cloud of dust.

What I'm longing for is a country watermill that takes twenty-four hours to grind a sack of corn." "What? What do you say?" Langberg bounced in his chair. "Ha-ha-ha! You're the same old man, I can see." "I'm perfectly serious," said Peer, lifting his glass towards the other. "Come. Here's to our old days together!" "Aye thanks, a thousand thanks to our old days together! Ah, delicious!