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"No, you wouldn't, but you would be ho-ho-ho you would be ha-ha-ha such a he-he-he such a haw-haw-haw. There, I can't help laughing," said the round fellow, with his fat sides wagging about through his merriment.

All I seemed to have was a memory of the Dutchman's voice: "Why do you not kill me? Ha-ha-ha! Then you could take my property." And again an echo of his disdainful laughter at that fool, "Ha-ha-ha!" as, on some midnight, he had kicked his dinner guest and his "coolie cotton pants" out into the rain. Why not, indeed? But who now was the "fool?"

And further: Poor little, poor little, poor little me, The public house is closed, My head's aching me... The love of a loafer Is spice, is spice; But the prostitute Is as cold as ice. Ha-ha-ha! They came together Matched as well as might be, She is a prostitute, A pickpocket he. Ha-ha-ha! Now morning has come, He is planning a theft; While she lies in her bed And laughs like she's daft. Ha-ha-ha!

You should progress with the age, Mr. Walden! you should progress! Why shouldn't a coffin be opened as readily as any other box, eh? There's generally nothing inside ha- ha-ha! nothing inside worth keeping, ha-ha-ha!

Taking the gourd, he begins to rattle it and to sing, thereby to charm the animal that has entered the body of the sick Sioux. After singing hi-he-hi-hah in quick succession, the chorus ha-ha-ha, hahahah is more solemnly and gravely chanted. On due repetition of this the doctor stops to smoke; then sings and rattles again.

Suddenly he burst out into a fit of his broad, good-natured laughter, so loud that men from various sides turned with surprise to see what this strange and evidently solitary laughter could mean. "Ha-ha-ha!" laughed Pierre. And he said aloud to himself: "The soldier did not let me pass. They took me and shut me up. They hold me captive. What, me? Me? My immortal soul? Ha-ha-ha!

"Before a year's out," answered the old man calmly. "But you'll have to help." "I!" Aunt Marit shifted her chair backwards, gaping. "I, did you say? Ha-ha-ha! Just tell me, how many hundreds of thousands did he lose over that ditch or drain or whatever it was?" "He was six months behind time in finishing it, I know.

"I should, most certainly!" "Nonsense, nonsense!" said Sir Morton Pippitt, obtruding himself on the conversation at this moment "God bless my soul! Not so very long ago every churchyard in England used to have its regular clean out ha-ha-ha! all the bones and skulls used to be dug up and thrown together in a charnel house, higgledy-piggledy and nobody ever talked about sacrilege!

You tickle me!" spluttered the Senior Surgeon weakly. Rolling back quickly with fright and relief the White Linen Nurse burst forth into one maddening cackle of hysterical laughter. "Ha! Ha! Ha!" she giggled. "Hi! Hi! Titter! Titter! Titter!" Perplexedly at first but with increasing abandon the Little Girl's voice took up the same idiotic refrain. "Ha-Ha-Ha," she choked. And "Hi-Hi-Hi!"

Dan must know how to paint blue to a marvel, but must be quite in the dark about painting green. If you stick to some such principle of specialty as this, you may get employment in London. 'Ha-ha-ha! said Dan, striking at a stone in the road with the stout green hazel he carried. 'A wink is as good as a nod: thank'ee we'll mind all that now.