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This snappishness amazed and wounded the young man. He said: "Rosannah, that was not like you." "I suppose it becomes me as much as your very polite speech became you, Mr. Fitz Clarence." "Mister Fitz Clarence! Rosannah, there was nothing impolite about my speech." "Oh, indeed! Of course, then, I misunderstood you, and I most humbly beg your pardon, ha-ha-ha!

"Well, I never. . . . He couldn't stay away from his brother. . . . And there I didn't know! So this is his honour's dog? Delighted to hear it. . . . Take it. It's not a bad pup. . . . A lively creature. . . . Snapped at this fellow's finger! Ha-ha-ha. . . . Come, why are you shivering? Rrr . . . Rrrr. . . . The rogue's angry . . . a nice little pup."

This we have been obliged to observe as a measure of safety. This convict, as you are aware, is a man of consummate cunning, so that it is really wonderful he has not found means to make his escape, closely as he has been watched and strongly as he has been guarded." "Ah, but Mr. Keepe, his cunning was no match for mine, you know!" said Capitola, smiling. "Ha-ha-ha! so it was not!

"A stupid gibe," thought Laevsky. "Friday, Friday. . . ." Something rose in his throat. He touched his collar and coughed, but instead of a cough a laugh broke from his throat. "Ha-ha-ha!" he laughed. "Ha-ha-ha! What am I laughing at? Ha-ha-ha!" He tried to restrain himself, covered his mouth with his hand, but the laugh choked his chest and throat, and his hand could not cover his mouth.

"You are extremely audacious and impertinent, John; but the language of reprobation cannot affect me: I came only to ask you one question, which I desire you to answer candidly. Did you ever say to anyone that I was the boy Robert's natural father?" "Hout na, sir! Ha-ha-ha! Aih, fie, na, sir! I durst-na say that for my life.

The rogues will pass the pennant, like innocent market-people, and I'll risk a Flemish gelding against a Virginia nag, that they inquire if the captain has no need of vegetables for his soup! Ah! ha-ha-ha! That Ludlow is a simpleton, niece of mine, and he is not yet fit to deal with men of mature years. You'll think better of his qualities, one day, and bid him be gone like an unwelcome dun."

These stories had one and all a remarkable likeness in a certain point Menlove was always unwilling to love the adorer, and the adorer was always unwilling to live afterwards on account of it. 'Ha-ha-ha! in men's voices was heard from the distant dining-room as the two women went on talking.

What he heard, on the whole, was very like this 'hubble-bubble-rubble-dubble the great match of shuttlecock played between the gentlemen of the north and those of hubble-bubble the Methodist persuasion; but ha-ha-ha! a squeeze of a lemon rubble-dubble ha-ha-ha! wicked man hubble-bubble force-meat balls and yolks of eggs rubble-dubble musket balls from a steel cross-bow upon my hubble-bubble throwing a sheep's eye ha-ha-ha rubble-dubble at the two remaining heads on Temple Bar hubble-bubble and the duke left by his will rubble-dubble a quid of tobacco in a brass snuff-box hubble-bubble and my Lady Rostrevor's very sweet upon rubble-dubble old Alderman Wallop of John's-lane hubble-bubble ha-ha-ha from Jericho to Bethany, where David, Joab, and rubble-dubble the whole party upset in the mud in a chaise marine and hubble-bubble shake a little white pepper over them and rubble-dubble his name is Solomon hubble-bubble ha-ha-ha the poor old thing dying of cold, and not a stitch of clothes to cover her nakedness rubble-dubble play or pay, on Finchley Common hubble-bubble most melancholy truly ha-ha-ha! rubble-dubble and old Lady Ruth is ready to swear she never hubble-bubble served High Sheriff for the county of Down in the reign of Queen Anne rubble-dubble and Dr. and Mrs.

Whereupon Algy shut one eye and opened the other so wide, that Aaron was almost scared. "Quite right, my boy. Ha! Ha! Never a truer thing said! Ha-ha-ha." Argyle laughed his Mephistophelian tipsy laugh. "They'll teach you to save. Never was such a lot of ripe old savers! Save their old trouser-buttons! Go to them if you want to learn to save. Oh, yes, I advise it seriously.

"You lie, I say, your faction never was able to fight ours; didn't we lick all your dirty breed in Builagh-battha fair?" "Silence there." "Will you meet us on Sathurday, and we'll fight it out clane!" "Ha-ha-ha! Tim, but you got a big fright, any how: whist, ma bouchal, sure I was only jokin' you; and sorry I'd be to bate your father's son, Tim. Come over, and sit beside myself at the fire here.