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Updated: August 4, 2024

I seen one a-hangin' in a shop winder at Bennington once 't looked every whit as good as Hopewell's, and as old, an' 'twas marked plain on a card, 'two dollars an' a ha'f." "I guess there are fiddles and fiddles," said 'Rill, a little tartly for her. "No," laughed Nelson. "There are fiddles and violins.

So Lund told him in swift sentences while they waited for the whale to broach. "Ha'f the time the bowheads won't even try an' git away," said Lund. "Lie atop, belly up, plain jellied with fear while the killers help 'emselves. Ha'f the bowheads you git have got chunks bitten out of their tongues.

I don't want nuthin' given. I'm out to make a deal. You say there's no gold there. Wal, I say there sure is. That bein' so I'd be a low down skunk takin' ha'f your claim fer nix, jest because you guess you owe me things which I 'low you sure do, speakin' plain.

Snow said nothing, but sat with her hands still clasped in her lap. "Luther is ha'f drownded and froze," concluded Abner, "and the Cap'n got a bang with an oar when they jumped out of the dory that, Perez is afraid, broke his arm. I'm goin' right back to git Dr. Palmer. They tried to telephone him, but the wire's down."

"She didn't have more'n two mebby one," he said, rising. "About three months old." "And they'll starve?" "If there was only one he probably will. The little cuss had so much milk he didn't have to forage for himself. Cubs is a good deal like babies you can wean 'em early or you can ha'f grow 'em on pap. An' this is what comes of runnin' off an' leavin' your babies alone," moralized Bruce.

"Feeney, go over to Millerstown and inquire if a black limousine with wire wheels stopped there to-night between eight and nine o'clock." A figure, unnoticed in the darkness, approached. It proved to be a lanky farmer, who spoke with a decided drawl. "I reckon I kin help ye thar. They was a big limozine tourin' car with wire wheels went through Millerstown 'bout ha'f past eight, quat' t' nine.

"What do you mean, Jase Day?" demanded Aunt Almira, for her husband announced the above at the supper table on Friday evening of that eventful week. "They ain't goin' ter send Mr. Haley to jail without a trial?" "Hear the woman, will ye?" apostrophized Uncle Jason, with disgust. "Ain't thet jes' like ye, Almiry goin' off at ha'f cock thet-a-way? Who said anythin' about Mr. Haley goin' ter jail?"

He took the chair usually occupied by his visitors. "You will pay ha'f a million dollars for this thing?" he demanded, to re-assure himself. Self-satisfaction looked out of the eyes of the man behind the desk. "More if necessary." "By God! You must hate this boy, Sternford." Peterman's feelings had broken from under his control. "Sternford? Psha! It is not Sternford. No."

I dunno when I'd git a hoss as good as Josephus " "No nearer'n the boneyard," put in Marty, sotto voce. "Anyhow, I see my failin' sure enough. Never was so reckless b'fore in all my life," pursued Walky. "Mebbe, if I kep' on drinkin' that stuff they sell daown ter the ho-tel, I'd drown both m' hosses havin' drowned m' own brains like twin kittens, in ha'f an inch o' alcohol! Haw! haw! haw!"

All, or any of these things may serve. There are men at all times ready to carry out these things. You can tell them, or you need not, the way they must act." He shook his head. "You say to them his work must stop; and you pay them more than he can pay them. So his work will stop. That is so? Yes? Very well. There is ha'f a million dollars that will pay for his work to stop. I say that."

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