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"I will, my son, I will; joy has made me young again, and if Phylax, the old graybeard, does not mind, and will allow me, I will dance with you, but you know he is always jealous of you. I am sure the whole village will envy you your gay young partner.

"You may guess that behind all these moral reflections, such as a graybeard like myself may indulge in, there is a story hidden, and, sad as it is, I am sure it will interest you on account of the strange heroism it shows."

This, at any rate, must not be, and he even controlled himself when he heard the music of her words, and saw her grasp the hand of the pretended graybeard, who, with an assumption of paternal kindness, dared to kiss her hair, and then helped her to draw her kerchief over her face.

All three phases of time belong to man, the past to the graybeard, the future to youth, and the present to childhood. What cared the little boys and girls of Leyden, released from school during the fair, for the peril close at hand?

"'Know this, began the graybeard. ''Tis the king's desire to 'stablish round him at his court a chosen circle whose fidelity hath stood the utmost test. Not deeds of prowess are required of these true followers, with no great conquests doth he tax them, but they must prove themselves trustworthy, until on hand and heart it may be graven large, "In all things faithful."

When the Taurus begins producing, I'll have enough to keep the smelter going." "When the Taurus begins producing?" Bartel smiled skeptically. "Didn't Johnson and Leroy drop fortunes on that expectation?" "I'll bet five thousand dollars we make a strike within two weeks." "Chimerical!" pronounced the graybeard as he rose to go, with an air of finality.

The man turned, looked him steadily in the eye, then suddenly dealt him such a blow in the face that he reeled against the opposite wall. The young men standing by made a movement to fall upon the graybeard. "Let no one harm him!" cried Camors. "Here, my man, are your hundred francs." "Keep them," replied the other, "I am paid;" and walked away. "Bravo, Belisarius!" laughed Camors.

"Mops, sir," eagerly answered the sailor at the wheel. Mops topped a wave astern and disappeared temporarily in the trough. It was a large wave, but it was no graybeard. A small boat could live easily in such a sea, and in such a sea the Mary Rogers could easily come to. But she could not come to and make westing at the same time.

He looked round and saw upon the threshold a very old man whose cloak was sprinkled with snow. Olaf saw that the stranger had but one eye. "Oh, pale and shivering graybeard!" cried the king. "Come, warm your vitals with this cup of spiced ale. Be not afraid. Sit here at my side in the light of the flames."

So ended the shepherd's tale; and the landlord who was listening with the rest, said shrewdly: 'Tell us now, Father Martin, did you go to the mountain and find what the spirit promised you; or is it a fable? 'Nay, nay, answered the graybeard.