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Do ye boast, ye pines, so gray and old, Storms to brave, with thunderbolts to sport? And, ye hills, that ye the heavens uphold? And, ye heavens, that ye the suns support! Boasts the graybeard, who on haughty deeds As on billows, seeks perfection's height? Boasts the hero, whom his prowess leads Up to future glory's temple bright!

"But I don't know where we're going to find a new name for him," said Buster Bumblebee, who never had many ideas of his own. "That's easy!" Mr. Chippy told him. "I've thought of a splendid name. And I'm perfectly willing to let you use it.... It's Grandfather Graybeard!" Most of the company clapped their hands when Mr. Chippy said that.

For an hour they both wrote rapidly with now a quick question from the major and a concise answer from Phoebe, or a short debate over the wording of one of his sentences or paragraphs. The editorial minds of the graybeard and the girl were of much the same quality and they had written together for many years. The major had gone far in the molding of Phoebe's keen wit.

True enough, Mac; but 'twould be hard to convince Cappy Ricks o' that. Every skipper in his employ is a graybeard." "Mayhap," the canny MacLean retorted. "That's because t'owd boy's skippers have held their berths ower long." But Mr. Murphy shook his head.

Strike up, my lads, and heed your time, And merrily troll away." At the word, the others commenced in deep, hoarse voices: "An old graybeard a wooing came, "Ha! ha! ha! With plenty of brass, but little brain, Tira la la! Merrily round we go, Merrily. All in a circle O, Cheerily! Right joyful was the gaffer gray, La la la! And who so blithe as he I pray? Tira la la! Merrily round we go.

He was so perfectly the son of the warlike Count Eustace, and of his mother, Ida de Bouillon, a woman full of piety, and versed in literature, that at sight of him even a rival would have been forced to say of him, 'For zeal in war, behold his father; for serving God, behold his mother. The second army, consisting chiefly of crusaders from Southern France, marched under the orders of Raymond IV., count of Toulouse, the oldest chieftain of the crusade, who still, however, united the ardor of youth with the experience of ripe age and the stubbornness of the graybeard.

"This night," said the graybeard from out the chimney corner, "this night, forty years ago, my brother, Ephraim Grimes, fell dead on this cabin floor, an' no man sence kin mark the cause." A pause ensued. The rain fell. The pallid, shuddering mists looked in at the window. "Ye ain't a-thinkin'," cried the woman tremulously, "ez the night air one app'inted fur evil?" The old man did not answer.

When we were fairly in the open of Major Beverly's plantation some few torches were lit, and then I saw that we were indeed a good hundred strong, and of the party were that old graybeard who had played Maid Marion on Mayday, and many of the Morris dancers, and those lusty lads and lasses, and they had been at the cider this time as at the other, but all had their wits at their service.

"Away, I am no graybeard whom the approach of death makes doting: talk not to inc of the stars; I know only the things that my eye sees and my ear drinks in." "Hush," said Morven, solemnly, and covering his face; "hush! lest the heavens avenge thy rashness. But, behold, the stars have given unto me to pierce the secret hearts of others; and I can tell thee the thoughts of thine."

A pale silver moon-crescent poised on the brow of Old Harpeth and a tingling little breeze was coming down from the north as if sent as a warning of the winter soon to be upon us. I went down to the old graybeard poplars and their leaves seemed to hiss together in the moonlight instead of rustling softly as they had been all summer.