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"Capitally placed!" "They speak remarkably good English, don't they?" said Mr. Blithers in an audible aside to Mrs. King. "Beats the deuce how quickly they pick it up." She smiled. "Officers in the Graustark army are required to speak English, French and German, Mr., Blithers." "It's a good idea," said he. "Maud speaks French and Italian like a native. She was educated in Paris and Rome, you know.

He could withdraw the charges against Baldos, but he could not soften the words he had said and written of Beverly Calhoun. He was not troubling himself with fear because of the adventures in the chapel and passage. He knew too well how Yetive could punish when her heart was bitter against an evil-doer. Graustark honored and protected its women.

Even then I may not be fully convinced in my own mind that our adventure has reached its climax. You have said that you would accompany me to Graustark. I am leaving to-night for that country, where I shall remain in seclusion for a few days before acquainting you with my future plans. It is not my intention to stop in Edelweiss at present.

When the time came she travelled to Graustark in response to the call of the Committee of Ten; she came prepared to kill the creature she would be asked to kill. And yet down in her heart she was sore afraid. She was there, not to kill a man grown old in wrongs to her people, but to destroy the life of a gentle, innocent boy of seven!

Henceforth he is in the night guard, from midnight till dawn. I am telling you this, Miss Calhoun, because I want you to know that in spite of all the indignity I have suffered, you are more to me than any other being in the world, more to me even than my loyalty to Graustark. Do me the honor and justice to remember this. I have suffered much for you.

Even Marlanx knew that he would have to kill a Quinnox before a Graustark ruler could be reached. By eleven o'clock the streets in the neighbourhood of the Plaza were packed with people. All along Castle Avenue, up which the Prince was to drive in the coach of State, hung the proud, adoring burghers and their families: like geese to flock, like sheep to scatter.

The duty of the guard is to protect the person of the ruler of Graustark, and to do that to the death." "It is my belief that you are a spy. You can show evidence of good faith by enlisting to fight against Dawsbergen and by shooting to kill," said the count, with a sinister gleam in his eye. "And if I decline to serve in any other capacity than the one I now "

He had to be content with a warm hand-clasp and a smile of welcome that even the gloom could not hide from his devouring eyes. "My dear, dear Bedelia," he murmured. "I had almost given you up. Three long days have I waited for you. You " "I have never broken a promise, Rex," she said coolly." It is you who are to be commended, not I, for you see I was coming to Graustark anyway.

Could they have seen her in the privacy of her chamber on those dreary, maddening nights they would not have known their sovereign. Heavy-hearted and with bowed heads the people of Graustark saw the nineteenth fade in the night, the breaking of which would bring the crush of pride, the end of power. At court there was the silent dread and the dying hope that relief might come at the last hour.

We are to have the extension papers this afternoon, and Graustark may breathe again the strong, deep breath of hope. You well remember my attitude on yesterday. You were shocked, horrified, amazed by my seemingly ignoble effort to preserve my preserver's life. We will pass over that, however. It is to discuss my position that I have called you here.