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Casey bought it just to show who was boss, he or the landlord. The first thing he did when we moved in was to take down the nicely framed rules that said we must not cook cabbage nor onions nor fish, nor play music after ten o'clock at night, nor do any loud talking in the halls. "Every day for a week Casey cooked cabbage, onions and fish. He sat up nights to play the graphophone.

We have already shown how the eunuchs secured all kinds of foreign mechanical toys to entertain the baby Emperor Kuang Hsu; how these were supplemented in his boyhood by ingenious clocks and watches; how he became interested in the telegraph, the telephone, steam cars, steamboats, electric light and steam heat, and how he had them first brought into the palace and then established throughout the empire: and how he had the phonograph, graphophone, cinematograph, bicycle, and indeed all the useful and unique inventions of modern times brought in for his entertainment.

Blandina had always lived in a back place and had never heard a graphophone, so bein' kinder tired, and bein' nigh a place where they had one, we went in at her request and sot for quite a spell. And we heard voices and songs gay and sad, marches and melodies, loftiest oratory, maddest mirth and profoundest feeling all comin' out of a little square box, what a idee! What a man that Edison is.

The graphophone will furnish music, there are some good one-step and waltz records Skinny and I were playing them this afternoon and every blessed cowboy on the Quarter Circle KT must be there!" A short silence followed her words, then a chorus of "We'll be there!" greeted her.

The choir had just finished singing "Rock of Ages" as the constable turned his venerable piece of horseflesh into the front yard. "Well, well," he said, in a voice like a graphophone badly in need of repair, "I might have knowed it was the choir kicking up all that rumpus. Heard the row clear up to the postoffice, and thought I'd come up to see if anyone was getting murdered."

The decade 1886-1896 gave us the graphophone, the kinetoscope, the horseless carriage, the vestibuled train, the cash register, the perfected typewriter; the modern bicycle, which has deeply affected the life of the people; and a great development in photography.

The opposite corner of the barracks was boarded off for a living-room. In this was a field range and one or two tables and benches. The rest of the hut was laid out with square bare board tables. The canteen was at one end. The piano was at one side and the graphophone at the other. Sometimes in places like this, the hut would be too near the front for it to be thought advisable to have a piano.

She seemed to have forgotten that he existed save when, from time to time, she suggested that he put this or that record on the graphophone. To each of the cowboys she whispered tender little sentiments, gave soulful looks and insinuating smiles all but caressed them openly. Ophelia did like things to Old Heck, Parker and Charley. In very truth it was a "slaughter." It was hot.

"Have you been in the city very long?" my wife said most pleasantly to Signor Petroskinski, "No, Madam," he answered, with a most courtier-like bow; "we only broke away from the cars this morning, and we bumped into nephew quite by chance, didn't we, nephew?" Bunch growled something that wouldn't sound well on the graphophone. "Do you like New York?"

Skinny was dejected and utterly miserable. He felt that he had been cruelty treated. Carolyn June had acted all evening as though his only object in living was to stand in the corner and wind up that blamed graphophone, while she openly flirted with the other cowboys.