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This pleased him greatly; he observed that the title had been translated, Il Genio errante, though I have been told it was rendered more ludicrously, Il Vagabondo; and finding that this minister gave such a proof of his taste, he was all attention to him, and on the first remark which he made, however simple, exclaimed, 'The Ambassadour says well His Excellency observes . And then he expanded and enriched the little that had been said, in so strong a manner, that it appeared something of consequence.

A coin issued in the joint names of Galerius and Constantius Chlorus, bearing the legend Genio Populi Romani, has in the field on the reverse side a cross, which takes the place occupied upon otherwise similar coins by a star-like object not improbably representing the sun.

This notion growing somewhat wider, the Genius comes to denote all the full powers, almost the personality, of developed manhood, and especially those powers which make for pleasure and happiness: this is the origin of such common phrases as genium curare, genio indulgere, meaning practically to 'look after oneself, 'to indulge oneself. Every man, then, has this 'spirit of his manhood' in his Genius, and correspondingly every woman her Iuno, or spirit of womanhood, which are worshipped on the birthdays of their owners.

"'Tis a cat of mine," said the archdeacon, quickly, "who is regaling herself under there with a mouse." This explanation satisfied Charmolue. "In fact, master," he replied, with a respectful smile, "all great philosophers have their familiar animal. You know what Servius saith: 'Nullus enim locus sine genio est, for there is no place that hath not its spirit."

But why shall I say more? To-day I wear these chains, and am here! To-morrow I shall be fetterless! but where? Nullus enim locus sine genio est. Servius. He here confounds the pleasure derivable from sweet sounds with the capacity for creating them. No more than any other talent, is that for music susceptible of complete enjoyment, where there is no second party to appreciate its exercise.

The past is enough of itself to guarantee a future of fame unapproachable and inextinguishable. The Yankee chain you'd gladly split, And yet begin by heating it! But when the iron is all aglow, 'Twill closer blend at every blow. Learn wisdom from a warning word, Beat not the chain into a sword. Qui curios simulant, et Bacchanalia vivunt. Odi Persicos apparatus. Indulge Genio: carpamus dulcia.

To her it looked like an enchanted palace "of a genio, adorned with the most exquisite performances of painting, carving, and gilding, enlighted with a thousand golden lamps, that emulate the noon-day sun; crowded with the great, the rich, the gay, the happy, and the fair; glittering with cloth of gold and silver, lace, embroidery, and precious stones.

Perhaps the private initiative used to be so hardly oppressed, that it comes out at present in excess. Why should lawyers be convinced, that their profession gives them the right, primo genio to be statesmen? I should suggest an archeologist, or a man in charge of a lighthouse. We all went to the "Farce," Maroossia and F., myself and Misha. Afterwards we had supper.

This pleased him greatly; he observed that the title had been translated, Il Genio errante, though I have been told it was rendered more ludicrously, Il Vagabondo; and finding that this minister gave such a proof of his taste, he was all attention to him, and on the first remark which he made, however simple, exclaimed, 'The Ambassadour says well His Excellency observes And then he expanded and enriched the little that had been said, in so strong a manner, that it appeared something of consequence.

This story is rather suggestive of the Arabian Nights. The writer in unable to determine its true source. Tabo: a cocoanut shell cup. Sinio: corrupted from Sp. genio; Eng. genius. Multo: genius; etymology unknown. The general name for a story, of whatever type.