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Updated: August 21, 2024

But," added Gazonal, struck by a sudden thought, "if she can, by the help of those dreadful collaborators, predict the future, how came she to lose in the lottery?" "Ah! you put your finger on one of the greatest mysteries of occult science," replied Leon.

"So this is the Chamber!" cried Gazonal, as he paced the great hall in which there were then about a dozen persons, and looked around him with an air which Bixiou noted down in his memory and reproduced in one of the famous caricatures with which he rivalled Gavarni.

"Gazonal," said Leon, "I shall make the man pose for you; but mind that you keep a serious face, like the king on a five-franc piece, for you are going to see a choice original, a man whose importance has turned his head.

Hearing that word, Marius gave two or three strokes of the comb to the ordinary head and flung himself upon Gazonal, taking Regulus by the arm at the instant that the pupil was about to begin the operation of the little scissors. "I will take charge of monsieur. Look, monsieur," he said to the grocer, "reflect yourself in the great mirror if the mirror permits. Ossian!"

Driver, Vieille rue du Temple." And all three were presently rolling in the direction of the Marais. "What are you taking me to see now?" asked Gazonal. "The proof of what Bixiou told you," replied Leon; "we shall show you a woman who makes twenty thousand francs a year by working a fantastic idea." "A fortune-teller," said Bixiou, interpreting the look of the Southerner as a question.

This cousin was the first to bethink himself of Leon. During the summer of 1841 cousin Sylvestre Gazonal went to inform the illustrious unknown family of Lora that their little Leon had not gone to the Rio de la Plata, as they supposed, but was now one of the greatest geniuses of the French school of painting; a fact the family did not believe.

"It is the same thing in magnetism," remarked Bixiou. "A man can't magnetize himself." "Heavens! now we come to magnetism!" cried Gazonal. "Ah ca! do you know everything?" "Friend Gazonal," replied Bixiou, gravely, "to be able to laugh at everything one must know everything.

Utterly impracticable newspapers have consumed millions within the last fifteen years. "Do you think that a man of intellect having once understood the nature of Paris could live elsewhere?" said Leon to his cousin. "Suppose we take Gazonal to old Mere Fontaine?" said Bixiou, making a sign to the driver of a citadine to draw up; "it will be a step from the real to the fantastic.

"Ravenouillet His name is Ravenouillet," said Bixiou turning to Gazonal. "Have you our notebook of bills due with you?" Ravenouillet pulled out of his pocket the greasiest and stickiest book that Gazonal's eyes had ever beheld. "Write down at three months' sight two notes of five hundred francs each, which you will proceed to sign."

Do you want to marry there, simpleton?" she added, addressing Gazonal; "then pay me forty francs and I'll talk four hundred worth." Gazonal produced a forty-franc gold-piece, and Madame Nourrisson gave him startling details as to the secret penury of certain so-called fashionable women.

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