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The trees seemed to sweep past him in spectral procession, and wild shadows to fling themselves across his path. Once the mare swerved at a white gate-post and nearly threw him. He lashed her across the neck with his crop. She cleft the dusky air like an arrow. The stones flew from her hoofs. At last he reached the Home Farm. Two men were loitering in the yard.

He tethered his horse to a gate-post and walked across the rough cobble-stones to the chapel. Its floor was still heaped with farm-tools and dried vegetables, and in the dimness a heavier veil of dust seemed to obscure the painted walls. Odo advanced, picking his way among broken ploughshares and stacks of maize, till he stood near the old marble altar, with its sea-gods and acanthus volutes.

And now, as they rode through a country so rural, so thinly populated and remote that nothing like it may be found in these crowded islands, the number seemed to follow them; or, rather, to pass on before them and await their coming. Often Colville would point silently with his whip to the numerals, scrawled on a gate-post or written across a wall.

"For what?" His naked fist banged down upon the gate-post, and she saw the blood start instantly and begin to flow. She knew in that moment that she had gone too far. Her fear returned in an overwhelming flood. She stumbled off the gate and faced him, white to the lips. A terrible pause followed, in which she knew herself to be fighting him with every inch of her strength.

"Do you want money from him?" Mrs. Wyvis Brand laughed hoarsely. Janetta noticed that her breath was very short, and that she leaned against the gate-post for support. "No, not precisely," she said. "I want more than that. I see that he's got a nice, comfortable, respectable house; and I'm tired of wandering. I'm ill, too, I believe.

She was just turning to point out a promise of an unusually large crop of snowballs on the old shrub by the gate-post when a subdued sniffling made itself heard and caused her to concentrate her attention on the house opposite across the Road. And a sympathy stirring scene met her eyes. Perched along the fence were all five of the little Pikes clinging to the top board in forlorn despondency.

Tracy did not appear, she walked up and down the lane until the sun was down and the ground began to feel so damp and cold that she finally climbed up to the top of the gate-post, which was very broad, and where, on her way to town, she had frequently sat for a while.

"I've never seen so many animals in all my life," he exclaimed, as they came up to the great gate that shut in the barnyard, "except perhaps in the Zoo." "Shall we stop here for a moment?" said Uncle Sam, lifting Laurie up and seating him on the gate-post, where he could see all over the yard at once.

I've forgotten the brush;" and resting the can on the top of the little gate-post, hurried back up the short flight of steps, and disappeared through the open door. "I say, there's a good cock-shy," said Noaks, nodding his head in the direction of the paint. "Umph! shouldn't like to try," answered Mouler. "Why not?" "Because Oaks would jolly well punch both our heads."

Amory first went to examine a place on the wheel where a gate-post had removed some of the paint, and he then put a foot on the step; but Diogenes sprang up and growled so seriously that he withdrew. "Please remove the dog," he said. While this was being done, and the father and his two sons were inside, Janet explained the situation to the others. They refused at first to believe it.