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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Oh! that is the one, sir! Said I not all seams and dents but one?" "Aye, blacksmith, it is the one; aye, man, it is unsmoothable; for though thou only see'st it here in my flesh, it has worked down into the bone of my skull THAT is all wrinkles! But, away with child's play; no more gaffs and pikes to-day. Look ye here!" jingling the leathern bag, as if it were full of gold coins.

This appeared to me a very weighty concern, and, not being versed in mercantile dealing, I did not well know what to say; but I reflected for some time, and then I replied, "As far, Mr Cayenne, as my observation has gone in this world, I think that the giffs and the gaffs nearly balance one another; and when they do not, there is a moral defect on the failing side.

Armed with clubs, spears, steel gaffs and rifles, the hunters would paddle out into the storm. There were three types of hunting long distance rifle-shooting, which the Russians taught the Aleuts; still hunting in a calm sea; storm hunting on the kelp-beds and rocks as the wild tide rode in with its myriad swimmers.

From the porch of The Gaffs, as the old home was called the Tennessee River could be seen two miles away, its brave swift channel glittering like the flash of a silver arrow in the dark green wood which bordered it. Back of the house the mountain ridge rolled; not high enough to be awful and unapproachable, nor so low as to breed contempt from a too great familiarity.

It touched even Travis, and he said, consolingly, to her: "You are too beautiful to have to do this and you shall not for long. You were born to be queen of well, The Gaffs, eh?" He laughed and then he touched boldly her hair which lay splendidly around her temples. She looked at him resignedly, then she flushed to her eyes and followed him.

With the money won, he had added four thousand acres to his estate, and afterwards called it The Gaffs. And a strong, brave man had been General Jeremiah Travis, pioneer, Indian fighter, Colonel in the Creek war and at New Orleans, and a General in the war with Mexico. His love for the Union had been that of a brave man who had gone through battles and shed his blood for his country.

This time, there was a slight stir in the vessel; and, soon after the sound of the oars ceased, the lanterns descended from the stations they had held, since nightfall. Two or three other lanterns were still displayed at the gaffs of other vessels, the signs that their captains were not on board; though whether they were ashore, or visiting in the fleet, were facts best known to themselves.

He would drop the profoundest discussion of philosophy or economics at the mention of a chicken, and with a tender smile plunge into an endless eulogy of his pets. Gordon found him in a chicken yard fitting gaffs on two cocks. "Caught in the act!" he cried. "Well, who cares? They've got to fight it out. It's in 'em. They're full brothers, too. Hatched the same day.

It was his old, stereotyped, brazen way, but she did not know it and blushed prettily. "You are kind, Mr. Travis, but but that mustn't be thought of. Please, but I wish you wouldn't talk that way." "Why, it is true, my queen of The Gaffs?" he said smiling. She began to work again. He came over to her and bent low: "You know I am to take you Monday night"

It will be of no use to say that you will not, for I am determined, and, although you have been very kind, you will find me a hard man to fight. And remember that there is a debt to be paid." He held out his hand and looked over toward the General's house as I gripped his rough palm. "I have buried 'em over by the edge of the woods," he said; "buried 'em with their gaffs on.

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