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Updated: August 29, 2024

Dartrey attracted women: he was one of the men who do it without effort. Victor's provident mind blamed the mother for the indiscreetness of her wish to have him among them. But Dudley had been making way bravely of late; he improved; he began to bloom, like a Spring flower of the garden protected from frosts under glass; and Fredi was the sheltering and nourishing bestower of the lessons.

Good quality wood, no doubt, but dry, varnished for conventional uses. Poor dear Fredi would have to crown it like the May-day posy of the urchins of Craye Farm and Creckholt!

'But, Victor, you were sure they would refuse! He answered: 'They may have gone back to Tunbridge Wells. By the way, they have a society down there I want for Fredi. Sure, do you say, my dear? Perfectly sure. But the accumulation of invitations and refusals in the end softens them, you will see. We shall and must have them for Fredi.

Time to be dressing: sun sets at six-forty, he said, and glanced at the stained West, with an accompanying vision of outspread primroses flooding banks of shadowy fields near Lakelands. He crossed the road and rang. Upon the opening of the door, there was a cascade of muslin downstairs. His darling Fredi stood out of it, a dramatic Undine.

He might have seen as tragic as ever dripped on Stage, had he looked. But the walk Westward with his girl, together with pride in a daughter who clove her way through all weathers, won his heart to exultation. He told her: 'Fredi does her dada so much good'; not telling her in what, or opening any passage to the mystery of the man he was.

'And our poor darling has not seen a mountain this year! Victor exclaimed, to have mentionable grounds for pitying his girl. 'I promised Fredi she should never count a year without Highlands or Alps. You remember, mama? down in the West Highlands. Fancy the dear bit of bundle, Dartrey! we had laid her in her bed; she was about seven or eight; and there she lay wide awake.

'Confirms Fredi, he said, showing it, and praising it as commendable, properly fervid. She made pretence to read, she saw the words. Her short beat of wings was over.

'As it is at present, I may reckon, I hope, that the association ceases. Her name: I have to consider my family. 'Good anchorage! You must fight it out with the girl. And depend upon this you're not the poorer for being the husband of a girl of character; unless you try to bridle her. She belongs to her time. I don't mind owning to you, she has given me a lead. Fredi 'll be merry to-night.

I make experiments. You make experiments and sometimes leetle mistakes. Comme nous autres. 'Ze operation was a grand succes but ze patient die. I know. Some of mine die too." "Prince Frederick, for instance?" She lifted the long chain of pearls about her neck and considered them dispassionately. "That canard! You think 'e give me these? Ce pauvre Fredi!

Dudley had argued with her upon the nature of friendship, the measurement of its various dues; he had lectured on the choice of friends, the impossibility for young ladies, necessarily inexperienced, to distinguish the right class of friends, the dangers they ran in selecting friends unwarranted by the stamp of honourable families. 'And what did Fredi say to that? Victor inquired.

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