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Fran lowered the binoculars. He looked at Soames with a terrible hatred in his eyes. Soames went back to Gail, leaving the binoculars with the children. He found himself sweating. "When," asked Soames harshly, "were the mountains on the moon made? It's an interesting question. I just got an answer. They were made when there were three-toed horses and many ganoid fishes on the earth."

"The Springfield interests want to give you a blow, and give Bob a helping hand. Therefore, you are to transfer your secretary to his store, where a bookkeeper is needed." "Oh, indeed," interposed Grace Noir icily. "I am a mere pawn, I presume, to be sent where I am wanted. But I would like to ask Mr. Clinton if he found out anything about Fran, while he was in Springfield?"

"A soldier was drowned there the other day, trying to cross the causeway after the tide had turned. Look, Fran, I believe that must be his funeral up on the road now. It is a military one at any rate." Frances looked with interest. First marched a guard of soldiers, two by two, then a band with muffled drums, playing the Dead March.

Prithee be pacified, thou shalt see me within this hour as pretty a fluttering Spark as any's in Town. My noble Lord, I give you thanks and joy; for, you are happy too. Car. As Love and Beauty can make me. Fran. And I, as no damn'd Wife, proud Daughter, or tormenting Chamber-maid can make me. Ant. And I, as Heaven and Clara can.

It was because of him that she acquiesced in the general plan to send her to school. In the unanimous conviction of the need of change in Fran, and because there were still two months of school, she must pass through this two-months' wringer she might not acquire polish, but the family hoped some crudities might be squeezed out.

If we hadn't come here, we wouldn't have met the beach dog, nor known Miss Connie, nor visited the Manor, nor be hunting for the Spanish chest!" Fran stopped, looking so comically aghast that Mrs. Thayne laughed as she kissed her. "So much depended upon a passing wish to take that little train!

He had watched him through studious years, had believed in his future career and now, no bold adventuress, though adopted into Hamilton Gregory's home, should be allowed to spoil Abbott's chances of success. The chairman of the school-board had talked confidentially with Grace Noir, and found her as convinced that Fran was a degenerate as was Bob that Grace was an angel.

Sister Hyacinthe and Fran Lamperi had tried to prevent her departure by entreaties and remonstrances, for both feared that the long ride might injure her; and, moreover, the latter had been charged by Quijada, in the Emperor's name, to keep her in the castle and, if she left it, to inform him at once by a mounted messenger.

Robert Clinton cleared his throat and produced a sound bursting with accumulated h's and r's his warning passed unheeded. Never before had Abbott had so much of Fran. The capillaries of his skin, as her hand quivered warmly against his, seemed drawing her in; and as she escaped from her splendid black orbs, she entered his brain by the avenue of his own thirsty eyes.

Enter Francisco, and Lopez. Fran. How, a Count to speak with me! with me, I say, here at Cadiz. Lop. A Count, Sir, and to speak with you. Fran. Art sure 'tis not the Governor? I'll go lock up my Wife. Lop. Governor, Sir! No, no, 'tis a mere Stranger, Sir, a rare Count whom I never saw all days of my life before. Fran. And with me wou'd he speak? I hope he comes not to my Wife. Enter Julia. Jul.