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Guess she got it from her mother's folks not from me." He laughed confidentially. "Well, I tell her grandmother we must give her some rope she'll marry one of these days." "Of course." "Young folks will be young." Bowman. "I wasn't the least might 'fraid of her, talked to her like anybody else. Who was she, anyway, when old Joe Bowman married her? Saleslady in a State Street store.

"The Danse Macabre," said Cicely to her companion; "one of Saint-Saens' best known pieces." "Is it?" said Larry indifferently; "I'll take your word for it. 'Fraid I don't know much about music." "You dear boy, that's just what I like in you," said Cicely; "you're such a delicious young barbarian." "Am I?" said Larry. "I dare say. I suppose you know."

I was 'fraid she'd never know which boy it was she kissed, they was so many of us there; but she did, you know, an' she's been to see me, an' brought me things, ain't she? an' promised to help me find out about myself jest the same as Mr. Burnham did. Oh dear! I hope she won't die now, like he did Uncle Billy! oh, Uncle Billy!" as a sudden thought struck in on the boy's mind, "if she was if Mrs.

'Tain't very big, but no one but me ever goes up there. You, there, under the bed, ye ain't 'fraid of bats or owls, air ye?" "Nope," came forth a sweet voice. "I ain't 'fraid of nothin' nor nobody but Ed Waldstricker and Sandy Letts." Tess giggled in glee.

"I don't think I'm scared, Dumps," replied Diddie; "but I'm not right comfor'ble." "I'm scared," said Dumps. "I'm jes ez fraid of Mr. Tight-fis' Smith!" "Dat's hit!" said Dilsey. "Now yer talkin', Miss Dumps; dat's er mean white man, an, he might er get mad erlong us, an' take us all fur his niggers." "But we ain't black, Diddie an' me," said Dumps.

It is many day since we left. The way is very rough, and we did not find much deer. We saw one camp of Indian, but they 'fraid to come. I not know why. But I see with them one fair flower which grow in the fields of the Esquimaux. I suppose the Indian pluck her, and dare not come back here." Stanley started, and his cheek grew pale. "A fair flower, say you?

"But they're white mice," said Will, "and I didn't know they were out of the cage. Somebody must have opened the door." "I'll help you hunt for the white mice," offered Bunny Brown. "I'm not afraid of 'em!" "I aren't, either," added Sue. "I'm not zactly 'fraid of 'em," said Helen Newton, "but they make you feel so ticklish when they crawl on you!"

"Lors, miss, what is yer a-doin' of?" asked the little maid, in wonder, as Capitola opened the door and looked out. "I am going out a little way and you must go with me!" "Deed, miss, I'se 'fraid!" "Very well, then, stay here in the dark until I come back, but don't go to my room, because you might meet a ghost on the way!" "Oh, Miss, I daren't stay here indeed I daren't!"

Your heart's big as a bucket, but fishin' 's more in your line than gittin' folks married to order is, I'm 'fraid. You stay here, and unload them fish in the dory. There ain't many of 'em, and Josiah 'll help when he gits back. I'm goin' out for a few minutes."

Her husband is lying in that state which the peasantry know usually precedes the agonies of death. "For the sake of the livin' God," said he, on seeing her, "is there any sign o' them?" "Oh, Alley, Alley, if you could know what I suffer for 'fraid I'd die widout the priest you'd pity me!"