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"In that case," said the Professor, "and as it is already rather late, perhaps you will allow one of your numerous retinue to call a four-wheeler?" Horace clapped his hands, but no one answered the summons, and he could not find any of the slaves in the antechamber.

Sit as far back as I might in the four-wheeler, I could conceal neither myself nor my connection with the huge iron-clamped case upon the roof: in my heated imagination its wood was glass through which all the world could see the guilty contents. Once an officious constable held up the traffic at our approach, and for a moment I put a blood-curdling construction upon the simple ceremony.

She leaned against the iron palings of a house for support, while Mr. Jobson, standing on the kerb, looked up and down the road for a cab. A four-wheeler appeared just in time to prevent the scandal of Mrs. Jobson removing her boots in the street. "Thank goodness," she gasped, as she climbed in. "Never mind about untying 'em, Alf; cut the laces and get 'em off quick."

She had been frightened at the solemnity of Douglas Fraser's hasty farewell, and, while Justine Delande affected to touch the breakfast spread in their rooms by the Swiss lady's maid, now gloomy in an attack of heimweh, Nadine saw a four-wheeler rattle away over the lawn, while old Andrew Fraser grimly watched it until the gates clanged behind the departing Anglo-Indian.

And so I left the Tower. It is a solid and commandin edifis, but I deny that it is cheerful. I bid it adoo without a pang. I was droven to my hotel by the most melancholly driver of a four-wheeler that I ever saw. He heaved a deep sigh as I gave him two shillings. "I'll give you six d.'s more," I said, "if it hurts you so."

He lived a couple of miles off, and he had chosen a four-wheeler to drag out the time. When he got home his fire was out, his room was cold, and he lay down on his sofa in his overcoat. He had sent his landlady to the dress- circle, on purpose; she would overflow with words and mistakes. The house seemed a black void, just as the streets had done every one was, formidably, at his play.

They all looked their parts better than the real wall which ran across the stage, piteously naked of real shadows, owing to the absence of the real sun, and, of course, deficient in the painted shadows which make a painted wall look so like the real thing. Never, never can I forget Charles Reade's arrival at the theater in a four-wheeler with a goat and a lot of little pigs.

'Sarah, she said, 'run out and get me a cab, a four-wheeler. You understand, a four-wheeler. 'Yes'm. Shall I put my jacket on, mum? Sarah asked, glancing through the window. 'No. Go instantly! 'Yes'm. 'I wonder what he wants it for, Aunt Annie remarked, after she had found the manuscript and put it under her arm.

"You will excuse me, miss," he said with a certain dogged manner, "but I was to ask you to give me your word that neither of your companions is a police-officer." "I give you my word on that," she answered. He gave a shrill whistle, on which a street Arab led across a four-wheeler and opened the door. The man who had addressed us mounted to the box, while we took our places inside.

"He went at about eleven o'clock." "Did he go in a cab?" the clerk asked. "In a four-wheeler, sir," the porter answered. "Do you remember what address he gave?" The porter looked dubious for a moment. "I don't absolutely remember, sir," he said, "but I know that it was one of the big railway stations." The clerk turned to me. "Is there anything else you would like to ask?" he inquired.