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Thayor laughed softly to himself, not daring to bring the dialogue to a close by an intervention of his own. "Now, there's Sam Pitkin's woman," the Clown continued with increased interest, "she's jest the same way; hain't never had no idee of whar a p'int lays; takes sorter spells and forgits which way't is back to the house.

And Mom Nater, instead of weepin' over your loss, goes on wreathin' new flowers for new hands to gather, and mebby forgits to drop even a bud on the dusty mound where you lay sleepin' the sleep of long forgetfulness. "Of what account are you anyway?

"Sind them to Rio Janeiro, lad, where my employer sells them. I don't know how much he makes a year by it; but the thing must pay, for he's very liberal with his cash, and niver forgits to pay wages. There's always a lot o' gould-dust found in the bottom o' the bateia after each washing, and that is carefully collected and sold. But, arrah!

Ortigies forgits that I didn't mean to suggest that he was to be a member of the committee; I meant they should be gentlemen; consequently that bars him out and there wouldn't be no trouble." "I understand your sarcasm, Wade, but your words would leave you off the committee likewise; but may I ask what the members would ask him when they knocked at his door?"

I dare say you may manage to soften the justice's sentence by a little 'oil of palms; and if you can get me out before I am quite corrupted, a day or two longer in this infernal place will do the business, I promise you that I will not only live honestly myself, but with people who live in the same manner." "Buss me, Paul," said the tender Mrs. Lobkins, "buss me Oh! but I forgits the gate.

Do you mean to look after her, once't in a while, or are you one o' them that forgits a good turn?" "I have told her," said Gilbert, "that she shall always have a home and a shelter in my house. If it's any satisfaction to you, here's my hand on it!" "I believe you, Potter.

I know you don't care for such things, but you'll have to put up with being a hero just this once." "Hope they won't do nothin' rash 'round them railroad tracks," said Nate, a bit anxiously. "The boys sometimes forgits theirselves when they gets to celebratin'. They don't mean nothin', but they forgits. Who'd you leave the babbies with, Lucy?"

His call was answered by an old woman, gray and bent, but remarkably spry, who appeared at the door. "Why, land's sakes, if it ain't Milt Dale!" she exclaimed, in welcome. "Reckon it's me, Mrs. Cass," he replied. "An' I've brought you a turkey." "Milt, you're that good boy who never forgits old Widow Cass.... What a gobbler! First one I've seen this fall.

"Whither me girl lives or dies, it'll not be Mat Doyle who forgits what you did for him this night, doctor! An' if iver you want a bit o' work done, or some one to do your lyin' awake at night for you, just you gimme the tip.

It's his own thought, and ye can thank him accordin'ly." Then, having kissed each of the children, and spoken a few words to Wild Bill, he took the woman's hand, and said: "The sorrers of life be many, but the Lord never forgits.