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I dare say you may manage to soften the justice's sentence by a little 'oil of palms; and if you can get me out before I am quite corrupted, a day or two longer in this infernal place will do the business, I promise you that I will not only live honestly myself, but with people who live in the same manner." "Buss me, Paul," said the tender Mrs. Lobkins, "buss me Oh! but I forgits the gate.

He won their hearts still further by something he did in midsummer. "The beer just pays for it," Blunkers explained. "I don't give um whisky cause some cusses don't drink like as dey orter." Then catching a look in Peter's face, he laughed rather shamefacedly. "I forgits," he explained. "Yer see I'm so da " he checked himself "I swears widout knowin' it." "I shall be very glad to go," said Peter.

"Pretty day, if 't wa'n't quite so warm," said Sister Pinkham, as she rose and reached for her bandbox and bundle, to resume her own journey. "There, if here ain't Uncle Teaby's umbrilla! He forgits everything that belongs to him but that old valise. Folks wouldn't know him if he left that. You may as well just hand it to Asa Briggs, the depot-master, when he gits back.

I put myself on 'bation while ago, but I kin'er forgits 'bout dat 'bation, I hab so much to tink ob." Mrs. Bodine began to laugh as she said, "I thought you were a sensible woman, Aun' Sheba." "Yes, I know. I did tole Marse Clancy dat I hab hoss-sense." "Then you were lying 'miscuously." "How dat, missus?"