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I don't know who else will, Frank, if he don't. He's one of the big political forces in this town." "Listen to me," began Cowperwood, eyeing him fixedly. Then he paused. "What did he say you should do about your holdings?" "Sell them through Tighe & Company and put the money back in the treasury, if you won't take them." "Sell them to whom?" asked Cowperwood, thinking of Stener's last words.

You are indeed at my mercy, and I will be merciful if you will satisfy my demand." He was trembling with emotion while he spoke and the desire to kill the man before him was making a frightful struggle with his priestly conscience; but conscience had the upper hand. Hamilton stood gazing fixedly, pale as a ghost, his thoughts becoming more and more clear and logical. He was in a bad situation.

Perhaps his annoyance at all these curious faces hanging over his own helped him. "Go away," said he finally to the last comers. "There is no need of the doctor, no need of anything, go away!" The four faces withdrew somewhat, but continued looking at him fixedly with an expression, perhaps, of increased alarm. "Go away, I tell you!" continued Don Rocco.

"Come here, mother's baby; I've something bad to tell you, and you must help me, dear." Phronsie came at once, with wide-open, astonished brown eyes, and climbed up into the good lap obediently. "Phronsie," said Mrs. Fisher, swallowing the lump in her throat, and looking at the child fixedly, "you know Helen has been very sick." "Yes, mamma," said Phronsie, still in a wonder.

If I be guilty I can answer for my error, but his Eminence only obeyed the dictates of his heart and can only have transgressed by excess of love for the disinherited of the world!" Leo XIII made no reply. He had again raised his superb eyes, those eyes of ardent life, set, as it were, in the motionless countenance of an alabaster idol; and once more he was fixedly gazing at the young priest.

Her long, thin, practiced fingers rapidly unplaited, replaited, and tied up her plait. Her head moved from side to side from habit, but her eyes, feverishly wide, looked fixedly before her. When her toilet for the night was finished she sank gently onto the sheet spread over the hay on the side nearest the door. "Natasha, you'd better lie in the middle," said Sonya.

MacGregor, she took her place in the car every afternoon, apparently obeying orders. Sometimes, twisting his head around, he could glimpse her profile turned toward the moving panorama of the crowded streets through which he was skilfully manoeuvering his way. But if she were interested in what she gazed at so fixedly, she made no comment. One never knew what she thought about anything.

Kavanagh had this in his mind fixedly, that if he thrust the point of his bayonet through the shield, and so got it entangled, he was done, for his active opponent would step within distance, and cut him down in a moment. As if to force him to risk this, the Arab suddenly crouched down, and covering himself well with his shield, made a spring at him, cutting at his left arm.

"Shoots, shoots!" he babbled in his curious thick voice. "Jock heard shoots!" I looked at him fixedly and in a serious voice replied in a German accent you could have cut with a knife, "I vant to know zomezing about sheeps, Herr Jock, not about shoots. How many sheeps are zere in zis island, eh?" Did I see a gleam of intelligence for an instant in Jock's eye? I cannot honestly say.

Gaunt, barren hills, wild, uncultivated levels, sombre valleys, inhabited only by grotesque enigmatical shadows that came from Heaven knows where, and hemmed us in on all sides. A large quarry, half full of water and partly overgrown with brambles, riveted my attention, and as I gazed fixedly at it I saw, or fancied I saw, the shape of something large and white vividly white rise from the bottom.