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"Just listen, friend Charles, and keep your own mouth shut," Liverpool began. That'll put us all 'way under what we ought to have, but we can bluff it through. Now get this, and get it hard: THERE AIN'T GOING TO BE ANY FALL-DOWN ON THIS BLUFF " "If you think I'd give away on the old codger " Charles began indignantly.

Now you'll have a false notion from the start. It's always better to have a hard time getting things. Then you appreciate them, and have learned how to hold on." "No trouble about holding on to this," said Mildred carelessly. "Please don't talk that way, child," pleaded Agnes, almost tearful. "It's frightful to me, who've had experience, to hear you invite a fall-down."

What they don't know would fill a libra " "How 'bout that there triang what you call it? They knew that." "Oh, just a draughtsman's smart trick; used to catch people. I'm talking about things that are practical. You'll see. I'll bet you these blamed fools are going to strike a snag one of these days, or they'll leave things so that there'll be a fall-down.

It was an irretrievable fall-down. Life, in its freedom of come and go, by heaving sea and reeling deck, through the home of the trade-winds, back and forth between the ports, ceased there for him in Walter Merritt Emory's office, while the calm-browed Miss Judson looked on and marvelled that a man's flesh should roast and the man wince not from the roasting of it.

"Some fall-down; we should worry," another said, busy at his tasks. "Eagle fell asleep at the switch, didn't you, Eagle?" They called him Eagle in a kind of ironical contempt, and it cut him more than anything else that they said. "Eagle with clipped wings, hey?" one of the troop wits observed. "Help us take down this troop pole, will you?" Will Connor, Hervey's patrol leader, called.

Still, your fall-down as a singer is the important fact. Don't lose sight of it." "I shan't," said she tersely. His eyes were frankly laughing. "As to Ransdell what a clever trick! He's a remarkable man. If he weren't so shrewd in those little ways, he might have been a great man. Same old story just a little too smart, and so always doing the little thing and missing the big thing.

In many Spanish cabinets the influence of Saracenic art is very dominant; these have generally a plain exterior, the front is hinged as a fall-down flap, and discloses a decorative effect which reminds one of some of the Alhambra work quaint arches inlaid with ivory, of a somewhat bizarre coloring of blue and vermilion altogether a rather barbarous but rich and effective treatment.

But, as he sat in the Pile-drivers' Home, it looked as if his fall-down was very near. In his pocket was precisely the room-rent for the following week, the advance payment of which was already three days overdue and clamorously demanded by the hard-faced landlady. In the rooms, with care, was enough food with which to pinch through for another day.

Some folks seem to have gone crazy on pin-cushions." She grew confused, and the next day she went into the parlor, which, owing to the nature of the display, resembled a booth at a church fair, and made an accurate list of the articles received. When she emerged, her large, handsome face was quite flushed. "Little wabbly, fall-down things, most of 'em.

Crom Duv's arms stretched down to his twisted knees; he had long, yellow, overlapping horse's teeth in his mouth, with a fall-down under-lip and a drawn-back upper-lip; he had a matted rug of hair on his head. He was as high as a haystack. He carried in his twisted hand an iron spike pointed at the end. And wherever he was going he went as quickly as a running mule.