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"It shall be done," replied the stranger. "And, senor," he continued, "although the evidence against us be strong, I beg you not to think that all Spaniards are liars and faithless. There are some of whom I am one who know how to keep faith as well as an Englishman; and I will keep faith with you." "See that you do so, senor," retorted George, as the ships again drew apart.

As you are unanimous against putting her into a private asylum, you must only watch the sweet girl quietly, and without any appearance of vigilance, allowing her in all that is harmless and indifferent to have her own way. Religious feeling you perceive constitutes a strong feature in her case, the rest is obviously the result of the faithless conduct of Osborne.

Phi. Though Hope be faithless, yet I cannot chuse, Coming from thee, but credit the abuse. Gal. Philander, do not your Hope's power distrust, 'Tis time enough to die, when that's unjust. SCENE II. The Court Gallery. Enter Aminta as passing over the Stage, is stayed by Olinda. Oli. Why so hasty, Aminta? Am. The time requires it, Olinda. Oli. But I have an humble suit to you. Am.

"Nay, Monsieur," interrupted Blakeney with pleasant bonhomie, "I know what you would say... of a truth, there is no choice between this pair of perfect twins: one is as exquisite as the other.... And yet you must take one and I the other... this or that, whichever you prefer.... You shall take it home with you to-night and practise thrusting at a haystack or at a bobbin, as you please... The sword is yours to command until you have used it against my unworthy person... yours until you bring it out four days hence on the southern ramparts of Boulogne, when the cathedral bells chime the evening Angelus; then you shall cross it against its faithless twin.... There, Monsieur they are of equal length... of equal strength and temper... a perfect pair... Yet I pray you choose."

But this union was frail and transient; Ecebolus soon rejected an expensive or faithless concubine; she was reduced at Alexandria to extreme distress; and in her laborious return to Constantinople, every city of the East admired and enjoyed the fair Cyprian, whose merit appeared to justify her descent from the peculiar island of Venus.

"You," said she, "were not satisfied with opposing my union with the man whom I had chosen; you endeavoured, by deceitful words, to make me faithless to him; but when you found me resolved to remain single, you dared to threaten me: you knew me not, if you thought that I could be terrified into obedience.

"It is likely enough that thou wilt have cause to use such words before all this tale is told," said Eric; "nevertheless, mother, forbear to curse Gudruda, who is in no way to blame for these matters." "Thou art a faithless son," Saevuna said, "who wilt slay thyself striving to win speech with thy May, and leave thy mother childless."

"Shall I break my oath of constancy, becoming faithless, and suffer him to curse me, for he will never pardon me, but despise me!" She sprang up like a tigress, with her eyes flashing. "Oh," cried she, "he may even believe that I have been enticed by riches, by a brilliant future! No no! I cannot consent! May God have mercy on me if the king will not! I will not break my oath!

I am no faithless, fish-hunting Gavial, I, at Kasi to-day and Prayag to-morrow, as the saying is, but the true and constant watcher of the ford. It is not for nothing, child, that the village bears my name, and 'he who watches long, as the saying is, 'shall at last have his reward." "I have watched long very long nearly all my life, and my reward has been bites and blows," said the Jackal.

But what purpose does it serve to speak of the faithless and of their harmless, smiles? As the Abbe Gelon has in his inimitable manner observed, "The heart is a fortress, incessantly assailed by the spirit of darkness." The idea of a constant struggle with this powerful being has something about it that adds tenfold to our strength and flatters our vanity.