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Updated: August 6, 2024

Once done, the mind resumed its illusion, and society forgot its impotence; but no one better than Bacon knew its tricks, and for his true followers science always meant self-restraint, obedience, sensitiveness to impulse from without. "Non fingendum aut excogitandum sed inveniendum quid Natura faciat aut ferat."

Namque deos didici securum agere aevum, nec, siquid miri faciat natura, deos id tristes ex alto caeli demittere tecto. HORACE, Satires I., 5. Does it really seem to Mr. Wells an arid and damnable "atheism" that finds in the very mystery of existence a subject of contemplation so inexhaustibly marvellous as to give life the fascination of a detective story? When Mr.

In hac re si non sit instructus D. Arthurus, aut ea sit dexteritate, vt deprehenso errore eum inuenire et castigare possit timeo ne deuias faciat ambages, tempus ilium fallat, et semiperacto negotio, a gelu praeoccupetur: Aiunt enim Sinum illum fortius quotannis congelari.

And, I pray, what did Bellarmine say more, when, expressing how conscience is subject to human authority, he taught that conscience belongeth ad humanum forum, quatenus homo ex praecepto ita obligator ad opus externum faciendum, ut si non faciat, judicat ipse in conscientia sua se male facere, et hoc sufficit ad conscientiam obligandam? But to proceed particularly. Sect. 9.

"Qui mihi non credit faciat licet ipse periclum, Mox fuerit studis aequior ille meis." Harrington Vizard, Esq., caught Miss Fanny Dover on the top round but one of the steps of his library. She looked down, pinkish, and said she was searching for "Tillotson's Sermons." "What on earth can you want of them?" "To improve my mind, to be sure," said the minx.

Forsooth, that when they kneel in the act of receiving, they are praying and praising, and so worshipping God immediately. And if we would know what a man doth then pray for, it is told us, that he is praying and earnestly crying to God, ut eum faciat dignum convivam.

Subj. after donec. So faciat below. See note, 1. Hic habitus, sc. ferreum annulum, cf. 17. Plurimis==permultis, Rit. Placet. Antithetic to ignominiosum genti. Nova. Al. torva. Strange, unusual. Mansuescunt. Primarily said of wild beasts, accustomed to the hand of man or tamed. So immanis, not handled, wild, savage.

Secondly, I attribute little other interest to the remarks than what is derived from the celebrity of the person who made them. Heaven preserve you, and S. T. COLERIDGE. Quid quod praefatione praemunierim libellum, qua conor omnem offendiculi ansam praecidere? Neque quicquam addubito, quin ea candidis omnibus faciat satis.

He is greatly mistaken whilst he thinks that a man can be so straitened betwixt two scandals, that he cannot choose but give the one of them. For, nulla datur talis perplexitas, ut necessarium sit pro homini sive hoc sive illud faciat, scandalum alicui dare.

The Pope in his turn ascended the twenty- four steps, and thus commanding the whole Cathedral, extended his hands over the Emperor and the Empress, and uttered these Latin words, the formula used for taking the throne: "In hoc solio confirmare vos Deus, et in regno aeterno secum regnare faciat Christus!"

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