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After visiting her Uncle John's family, whom she liked at once, Kate, Ethel, and the eight girls started for Camp. It was situated in a stretch of woods on the banks of the Muskingum river. One of the girls Patty Sands became Ethel's chum. She was motherless and the only child of Judge Sands, ex-congressman of Ohio, and greatly respected.

Reeder, who had been displaced as governor and had gone over to the opposition, lent his aid to the project; and ex-Congressman Lane, formerly of Indiana, gave liberally of his vehement energy to the cause. After successive conventions in which the various free-State elements were worked into a fairly consistent mixture, the Topeka convention launched a constitution and a free-State government.

He said he rose to place the name of another gentleman in nomination; and, after making a neat and appropriate speech in commendation of his candidate, a speech that created a very favorable impression, he named ex-Congressman John R. Lynch, of Mississippi, whom he believed to be a suitable man for the position. The ball was then opened.

One evening in the spring of 1918 John Calhoun Saylor, ex-Congressman, sat before the open fire in the old Clay residence, reading the Courier-Journal. "Just as I expected, thirty-five, that gets me. I was born in 1885." Then he read to his wife that the draft age would be raised to thirty-five. "But, John, you are married." "Yes, thoroughly but that makes no difference in my case.

The new governor in this instance one Corporal A. E. Archer or ex-Congressman Archer, as he was sometimes called was, unlike Swanson, a curious mixture of the commonplace and the ideal one of those shiftily loyal and loyally shifty who make their upward way by devious, if not too reprehensible methods.

It was twelve o'clock when we reached the end of the route, a small town of somewhat less than the usual pretensions of mountain villages; so insignificant indeed, that I found it more and more difficult to imagine what the wealthy ex-Congressman could find in such a spot as this, to make amends for a journey of such length and discomfort; when to my increasing wonder I heard him give orders for a horse to be saddled and brought round to the inn door directly after dinner.

Hamilton," said Captain Bounce, mysteriously after a little talk with his owner. "Where is she from?" asked Leopold. "New York," replied the ex-congressman, chuckling. "What's her name?" "The Rosabel." "I didn't know there was any craft with that name, except mine," replied Leopold, as Rosabel placed herself by his side. "She is new, and has not had that name more than a week," added Mr. Hamilton.

For my part I'm a little too old and too accustomed to fall back on somebody else for supplies to start a big fight with life: I'll be content with just surviving, and I can do it on an eighteen-hundred-dollar a-year consulship. An ex-congressman can always be pretty sure of getting some such job, and I hear from Washington the matter's about settled.

Hamilton, before the landlord had an opportunity to explain why he doubted the truth of the statement in regard to the Bible. "Harvey Barth hoped Mr. Wallbridge had not done anything wrong." "He hadn't done anything wrong," protested Stumpy, warmly. "Why should he change his name, then?" asked the ex-congressman. "For the fact that he did so appears to be well established."

Lemuel Quigg, an ex-Congressman, a journalist formerly on the New York Tribune, a stanch Republican, who nevertheless recognized that discretion and intelligence might sometimes be allowed a voice in Machine dictation, journeyed to Montauk and had a friendly, frank conversation with the Colonel. * Platt and Quay were both born in 1833.