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Updated: August 14, 2024

Their feet were painful, but the soft bandages in which they were enveloped hurt them far less than the sandals in which they had at first walked, and they arrived at the halting-place in much better condition than on the previous occasions. "The worst is over now," Jethro said to them encouragingly. "You will find each day's work come easier to you.

The hour is eight, but you'll be in fine time if you're down by nine," she replied encouragingly; and poor Mademoiselle felt her heart sink at the thought of the weary hour which stretched between her and the longed-for meal.

Preston to come up and speak to her, as she was dying as fast as she could, and the poor lady couldn't as much as lift her own 'ead." "And you are not so very bad," said Bluebell, encouragingly. "Think of Mrs. Dove, of the 100th 'Scatterers, and don't give way." So, partly by laughing and partly by gentle determination, she brought her round, and favoured the escape of the stewardess.

Ah! if another such as Napoleon could only arise such as he, but different. Not an adventurer, but a King and the descendant of Kings not allied, as Napoleon was, with a hundred other adventurers." "Yes," said Loo, in a muffled voice, looking away toward the fire. "A King whose wife should be a Queen," pursued the dreamer. "Yes," said Loo again, encouragingly.

"And didn't you nearly go off your head with delight when she said she would?" "No," said Margaret, with a little sigh, "for my mode of life there will be very much the same as it has always been at home. Lessons all day long, and no one to speak to." "But there will be your hostess at least," said Eleanor encouragingly. "Come, Margaret, do not despair."

In short, while, as in the case of the arrest of the State Council, the subordinates were left to appear the principals in the transactions, the persons most intimate with William of Orange were allowed to form satisfactory opinions as to his wishes, and to serve as instruments to his ends. "Vive qui vince!" cried Saint-Aldegonde, encouragingly, to Ryhove, shaking hands with him at parting.

Talk very often and encouragingly to the patient as the insanity begins to show itself. As soon as the thirst sets in, give frequently alternate small drinks of cold Indian meal gruel no butter in the gruel and moderately large drinks of the best plain black tea, hot, without milk or sugar. Occasionally the gruel may be changed and made of oatmeal, and the tea have a bit of toasted bread in it.

The weather was exceedingly warm, but these experienced gentlemen insisted upon it that Russian tea was a sovereign antidote for warm weather, especially when dashed with Cognac, as it drove all the caloric out of the body through the pores of the skin. "Don't be afraid!" said they, encouragingly; "drink just as much as you please it will cool you! See how the Russians drink it.

A kind of metallic hardness came into his voice. Cowperwood could see that he was honestly enamoured of his adopted city. Chicago was his most beloved mistress. A moment later the flesh about his eyes crinkled, his mouth softened, and he smiled. "I'll be glad to tell you anything I can," he went on. "There are a lot of interesting things to tell." Cowperwood beamed back on him encouragingly.

The Nimrod who carried the lantern opened the slide for a moment, revealed the rugged nature of the ground, and closed it when I had risen. "It's better farther on," he said, encouragingly. "Is it? Ah, that's well." We came to a piece of ground which my feet and legs told me was covered with long rough grass and occasional bushes.

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