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I shouldn't wonder ef you'd turn out to be something and marry rich. Well, I must be getting back to me tub. Land sakes, but you did give me a turn. I thought Lizzie had been run over. I couldn't think what else'd make you run off way here without your coat. Come, get up, child, and go back to your work. It's too bad you don't like to be kissed, but don't let that worry you.

An' ever sin that she'll foller him and rub her head agin' him, and come to his whistle like a dog. An' so the old master, he says: `The little cow's yer own now, Peter, to do as you like with, he says; `no one else'd a had the patience to bring her through. An' if you'll take my advice you'll sell her, for she'll never be much good to us."

"Is Flutterwheel Spring more 'n mother's share o' the cañon?" she inquired. "Yes, I think it is. Of course I never measured the water, an' I didn't admit it when Forrester said so; but I'd 'a' resked sayin' it was, if anybody else'd asked me." "Why wouldn't you say so to him?"

What right have you to come here, holding me to account? I've my own way of doing good " Mrs. Slawson shrugged. "Your own way? I warrant you have! Nobody else'd recognize it. I'd like to bet, you don't give a penny to charity oncet in five years. Come now, do you?" "God doesn't take into account the amount one gives," announced Mrs. Daggett authoritatively.

This became plain to everybody, even Maria, but did not prevent her beginning to tease. "What's the matter with you? Where's your appetite?" asked she. "You're clean off your feed. You must be in love. Nothin' else'd make a man go back on these slapjacks that Cousin Marthy made with her own hands, and she kin beat the County on slapjacks. Mebbe you're thinkin' o' your Bad Ax girl and her widower.

Oh, I do wish you'd 'a' wore your uniform, Sandy; then you could 'a' rose up before him proudly, an' told 'im you'd fought the battles of your country before" "Oh, shucks, Minervy!" interrupted the old woman dejectedly; "what does Nate Forrester care for anybody's country? What else'd he say, Lysander?"

If I could only get a turn o' the rope round anywhere I could hold on easy, but if I move an inch down she'll go. "Can't do it!" he groaned; "it's quite impossible. One hitch round the ring or a catch anywhere else'd do it, but I've got enough to do to hold on, and if I try any other manoover I shall make worse on it.

"What'd you stop at the winery fer?" interrupted the younger man savagely. "Why, I tole ye, Forrester wanted to see me on business. I stopped to see Forrester, Lysander. What else'd I stop fer? I was in a big hurry, too, an' I vum I hated to stop, but I hed to. When a man like Forrester wants to see you" "How'd you know he wanted to see you?" demanded Sproul.

"Why, just this, Missy, Williams says that there's a lot of bad feeling stirrin' and bad feelings lead to hasty things like revenge." "You mean some one of the Mill people set it on fire?" asked Beryl slowly, with wide eyes. "And who else'd have bad feelings?" Robin recalled, with alarm, what Dale had said at the House of Laughter. Could Dale have done this thing or helped?

The old man gave his questioner a look of maudlin surprise. "Why, he tole me so hisself; how else'd I find it out? I was a-settin' there in the winery on a kaig, an' he come an' tole me he wanted to see me on business. 'Pears to me you're duller 'n common, Lysander." The speaker began to gather courage from his own ready comprehension of intricacies which evidently seemed to puzzle his son-in-law.